

Hung K, Kho A, Sarracino D, Richard LG, Krastins B, Forrester S, Haab B, Kohane I, Kucherlapati R. Mass spectrometry-based study of the plasma proteome in a mouse intestinal tumor model. J Proteome Res. 2006;5(8):1866–78. doi:10.1021/pr060120r
Early detection of cancer can greatly improve prognosis. Identification of proteins or peptides in the circulation, at different stages of cancer, would greatly enhance treatment decisions. Mass spectrometry (MS) is emerging as a powerful tool to identify proteins from complex mixtures such as plasma that may help identify novel sets of markers that may be associated with the presence of tumors. To examine this feature we have used a genetically modified mouse model, Apc(Min), which develops intestinal tumors with 100% penetrance. Utilizing liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), we identified total plasma proteome (TPP) and plasma glycoproteome (PGP) profiles in tumor-bearing mice. Principal component analysis (PCA) and agglomerative hierarchial clustering analysis revealed that these protein profiles can be used to distinguish between tumor-bearing Apc(Min) and wild-type control mice. Leave-one-out cross-validation analysis established that global TPP and global PGP profiles can be used to correctly predict tumor-bearing animals in 17/19 (89%) and 19/19 (100%) of cases, respectively. Furthermore, leave-one-out cross-validation analysis confirmed that the significant differentially expressed proteins from both the TPP and the PGP were able to correctly predict tumor-bearing animals in 19/19 (100%) of cases. A subset of these proteins was independently validated by antibody microarrays using detection by two color rolling circle amplification (TC-RCA). Analysis of the significant differentially expressed proteins indicated that some might derive from the stroma or the host response. These studies suggest that mass spectrometry-based approaches to examine the plasma proteome may prove to be a valuable method for determining the presence of intestinal tumors.
Frank N, Kho A, Schatton T, Murphy G, Molloy M, Zhan Q, Ramoni M, Frank M, Kohane I, Gussoni E. Regulation of myogenic progenitor proliferation in human fetal skeletal muscle by BMP4 and its antagonist Gremlin. J Cell Biol. 2006;175(1):99–110. doi:10.1083/jcb.200511036
Skeletal muscle side population (SP) cells are thought to be "stem"-like cells. Despite reports confirming the ability of muscle SP cells to give rise to differentiated progeny in vitro and in vivo, the molecular mechanisms defining their phenotype remain unclear. In this study, gene expression analyses of human fetal skeletal muscle demonstrate that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) is highly expressed in SP cells but not in main population (MP) mononuclear muscle-derived cells. Functional studies revealed that BMP4 specifically induces proliferation of BMP receptor 1a-positive MP cells but has no effect on SP cells, which are BMPR1a-negative. In contrast, the BMP4 antagonist Gremlin, specifically up-regulated in MP cells, counteracts the stimulatory effects of BMP4 and inhibits proliferation of BMPR1a-positive muscle cells. In vivo, BMP4-positive cells can be found in the proximity of BMPR1a-positive cells in the interstitial spaces between myofibers. Gremlin is expressed by mature myofibers and interstitial cells, which are separate from BMP4-expressing cells. Together, these studies propose that BMP4 and Gremlin, which are highly expressed by human fetal skeletal muscle SP and MP cells, respectively, are regulators of myogenic progenitor proliferation.
Cerletti M, Molloy M, Tomczak K, Yoon S, Ramoni M, Kho A, Beggs A, Gussoni E. Melanoma cell adhesion molecule is a novel marker for human fetal myogenic cells and affects myoblast fusion. J Cell Sci. 2006;119(Pt 15):3117–27. doi:10.1242/jcs.03056
Myoblast fusion is a highly regulated process that is important during muscle development and myofiber repair and is also likely to play a key role in the incorporation of donor cells in myofibers for cell-based therapy. Although several proteins involved in muscle cell fusion in Drosophila are known, less information is available on the regulation of this process in vertebrates, including humans. To identify proteins that are regulated during fusion of human myoblasts, microarray studies were performed on samples obtained from human fetal skeletal muscle of seven individuals. Primary muscle cells were isolated, expanded, induced to fuse in vitro, and gene expression comparisons were performed between myoblasts and early or late myotubes. Among the regulated genes, melanoma cell adhesion molecule (M-CAM) was found to be significantly downregulated during human fetal muscle cell fusion. M-CAM expression was confirmed on activated myoblasts, both in vitro and in vivo, and on myoendothelial cells (M-CAM(+) CD31(+)), which were positive for the myogenic markers desmin and MyoD. Lastly, in vitro functional studies using M-CAM RNA knockdown demonstrated that inhibition of M-CAM expression enhances myoblast fusion. These studies identify M-CAM as a novel marker for myogenic progenitors in human fetal muscle and confirm that downregulation of this protein promotes myoblast fusion.
Liu H, Kho A, Kohane I, Sun Y. Predicting survival within the lung cancer histopathological hierarchy using a multi-scale genomic model of development. PLoS Med. 2006;3(7):e232. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0030232
BACKGROUND: The histopathologic heterogeneity of lung cancer remains a significant confounding factor in its diagnosis and prognosis-spurring numerous recent efforts to find a molecular classification of the disease that has clinical relevance. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Molecular profiles of tumors from 186 patients representing four different lung cancer subtypes (and 17 normal lung tissue samples) were compared with a mouse lung development model using principal component analysis in both temporal and genomic domains. An algorithm for the classification of lung cancers using a multi-scale developmental framework was developed. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was conducted for lung adenocarcinoma patient subgroups identified via their developmental association. We found multi-scale genomic similarities between four human lung cancer subtypes and the developing mouse lung that are prognostically meaningful. Significant association was observed between the localization of human lung cancer cases along the principal mouse lung development trajectory and the corresponding patient survival rate at three distinct levels of classical histopathologic resolution: among different lung cancer subtypes, among patients within the adenocarcinoma subtype, and within the stage I adenocarcinoma subclass. The earlier the genomic association between a human tumor profile and the mouse lung development sequence, the poorer the patient's prognosis. Furthermore, decomposing this principal lung development trajectory identified a gene set that was significantly enriched for pyrimidine metabolism and cell-adhesion functions specific to lung development and oncogenesis. CONCLUSIONS: From a multi-scale disease modeling perspective, the molecular dynamics of murine lung development provide an effective framework that is not only data driven but also informed by the biology of development for elucidating the mechanisms of human lung cancer biology and its clinical outcome.


Liadaki, Kho, Sanoudou, Schienda, Flint, Beggs A, Kohane, Kunkel. Side population cells isolated from different tissues share transcriptome signatures and express tissue-specific markers. Exp Cell Res. 2005;303(2):360–74. doi:10.1016/j.yexcr.2004.10.011
Side Population (SP) cells, isolated from murine adult bone marrow (BM) based on the exclusion of the DNA dye Hoechst 33342, exhibit potent hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activity when compared to Main Population (MP) cells. Furthermore, SP cells derived from murine skeletal muscle exhibit both hematopoietic and myogenic potential in vivo. The multipotential capacity of SP cells isolated from variable tissues is supported by an increasing number of studies. To investigate whether the SP phenotype is associated with a unique transcriptional profile, we characterized gene expression of SP cells isolated from two biologically distinct tissues, bone marrow and muscle. Comparison of SP cells with differentiated MP cells within a tissue revealed that SP cells are in an active transcriptional and translational status and underexpress genes reflecting tissue-specific functions. Direct comparison of gene expression of SP cells isolated from different tissues identified genes common to SP cells as well as genes specific to SP cells within a particular tissue and further define a muscle and bone marrow environment. This study reports gene expression of muscle SP cells, common features and differences between SP cells isolated from muscle and bone marrow, and further identifies common signaling pathways that might regulate SP cell functions.
Haslett J, Kang P, Han M, Kho A, Sanoudou D, Volinski J, Beggs A, Kohane I, Kunkel L. The influence of muscle type and dystrophin deficiency on murine expression profiles. Mamm Genome. 2005;16(10):739–48. doi:10.1007/s00335-005-0053-8
The phenotypic differences among Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients, mdx mice, and mdx(5cv) mice suggest that despite the common etiology of dystrophin deficiency, secondary mechanisms have a substantial influence on phenotypic severity. The differential response of various skeletal muscles to dystrophin deficiency supports this hypothesis. To explore these differences, gene expression profiles were generated from duplicate RNA targets extracted from six different skeletal muscles (diaphragm, soleus, gastrocnemius, quadriceps, tibialis anterior, and extensor digitorum longus) from wild-type, mdx, and mdx(5cv) mice, resulting in 36 data sets for 18 muscle samples. The data sets were compared in three different ways: (1) among wild-type samples only, (2) among all 36 data sets, and (3) between strains for each muscle type. The molecular profiles of soleus and diaphragm separate significantly from the other four muscle types and from each other. Fiber-type proportions can explain some of these differences. These variations in wild-type gene expression profiles may also reflect biomechanical differences known to exist among skeletal muscles. Further exploration of the genes that most distinguish these muscles may help explain the origins of the biomechanical differences and the reasons why some muscles are more resistant than others to dystrophin deficiency.
Kang P, Kho A, Sanoudou D, Haslett J, Dow C, Han M, Blasko J, Lidov H, Beggs A, Kunkel L. Variations in gene expression among different types of human skeletal muscle. Muscle Nerve. 2005;32(4):483–91. doi:10.1002/mus.20356
There is a consistent variation in the response of different skeletal muscle groups to mutations in genes known to cause muscular dystrophy, yet these muscles appear histologically similar. To better understand these phenotypic differences, we analyzed gene expression patterns in control muscle specimens obtained from four sites at autopsy: deltoid, quadriceps, gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior (TA). A total of 35 muscle samples from nine individuals (four pediatric and five geriatric) were studied. Factors potentially influencing gene expression in the different samples included individuality, age, muscle type, gender, cause of death, postmortem interval, and ethnicity. The first three factors, in decreasing order, were found to have a significant impact on the stratification of muscle specimens. A novel analytic method, using a second round of normalization, was used to elicit differences between muscle types. This approach may be extended to a broader survey, potentially elucidating a molecular classification of the skeletal muscles.


Ligon K, Alberta J, Kho A, Weiss J, Kwaan M, Nutt C, Louis D, Stiles C, Rowitch D. The oligodendroglial lineage marker OLIG2 is universally expressed in diffuse gliomas. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2004;63(5):499–509.
Astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and oligoastrocytomas, collectively referred to as diffuse gliomas, are the most common primary brain tumors. These tumors are classified by histologic similarity to differentiated astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, but this approach has major limitations in guiding modern treatment and research. Lineage markers represent a potentially useful adjunct to morphologic classification. The murine bHLH transcription factors Olig1 and Olig2 are expressed in neural progenitors and oligodendroglia and are essential for oligodendrocyte development. High OLIG expression alone has been proposed to distinguish oligodendrogliomas from astrocytomas, so we critically evaluated OLIG2 as a marker by immunohistochemical and oligonucleotide microarray analysis. OLIG2 protein is faithfully restricted to normal oligodendroglia and their progenitors in human brain. Immunohistochemical analysis of 180 primary, metastatic, and non-neural human tumors shows OLIG2 is highly expressed in all diffuse gliomas. Immunohistochemistry and microarray analyses demonstrate higher OLIG2 in anaplastic oligodendrogliomas versus glioblastomas, which are heterogeneous with respect to OLIG2 levels. OLIG2 protein expression is present but inconsistent and generally lower in most other brain tumors and is absent in non-neuroectodermal tumors. Overall, OLIG2 is a useful marker of diffuse gliomas as a class. However, expression heterogeneity of OLIG2 in astrocytomas precludes immunohistochemical classification of individual gliomas by OLIG2 alone.
Kho A, Zhao Q, Cai Z, Butte A, Kim J, Pomeroy S, Rowitch D, Kohane I. Conserved mechanisms across development and tumorigenesis revealed by a mouse development perspective of human cancers. Genes Dev. 2004;18(6):629–40. doi:10.1101/gad.1182504
Identification of common mechanisms underlying organ development and primary tumor formation should yield new insights into tumor biology and facilitate the generation of relevant cancer models. We have developed a novel method to project the gene expression profiles of medulloblastomas (MBs)--human cerebellar tumors--onto a mouse cerebellar development sequence: postnatal days 1-60 (P1-P60). Genomically, human medulloblastomas were closest to mouse P1-P10 cerebella, and normal human cerebella were closest to mouse P30-P60 cerebella. Furthermore, metastatic MBs were highly associated with mouse P5 cerebella, suggesting that a clinically distinct subset of tumors is identifiable by molecular similarity to a precise developmental stage. Genewise, down- and up-regulated MB genes segregate to late and early stages of development, respectively. Comparable results for human lung cancer vis-a-vis the developing mouse lung suggest the generalizability of this multiscalar developmental perspective on tumor biology. Our findings indicate both a recapitulation of tissue-specific developmental programs in diverse solid tumors and the utility of tumor characterization on the developmental time axis for identifying novel aspects of clinical and biological behavior.
Sanoudou D, Frieden L, Haslett J, Kho A, Greenberg S, Kohane I, Kunkel L, Beggs A. Molecular classification of nemaline myopathies: "nontyping" specimens exhibit unique patterns of gene expression. Neurobiol Dis. 2004;15(3):590–600. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2003.12.013
Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a slowly progressive or nonprogressive neuromuscular disorder caused by mutations in genes encoding skeletal muscle sarcomeric thin filament proteins. It is characterized by great heterogeneity at the clinical, histopathological, and genetic level. Although multiple molecular pathways are commonly affected in all NM patients, little is known about the molecular characteristics of muscles from patients in different NM subgroups. We have analyzed a group of global gene expression data sets for transcriptional patterns characteristic of particular nemaline myopathy classes. Differential expression between disease subgroups was primarily seen in mitochondrial-, structural-, and transcription-related genes. Multiple lines of evidence support the hypothesis that muscles from cases with "nontyping" NM, although clinically classified as typical NM, share a unique pathophysiological state and are characterized by distinct patterns of gene expression. Determination of the specific molecular differences in NM subgroups may eventually lead to improved prognostic determinations and treatment of these patients.