

Zhou, Ma, Kong, Hu, Campbell, McGowan, Ackerman, Wu, Zhou, Tevosian, et al. Fog2 is critical for cardiac function and maintenance of coronary vasculature in the adult mouse heart. J Clin InvestJ Clin InvestJ Clin Invest. 2009;119:1462–76.
Aberrant transcriptional regulation contributes to the pathogenesis of both congenital and adult forms of heart disease. While the transcriptional regulator friend of Gata 2 (FOG2) is known to be essential for heart morphogenesis and coronary development, its tissue-specific function has not been previously investigated. Additionally, little is known about the role of FOG2 in the adult heart. Here we used spatiotemporally regulated inactivation of Fog2 to delineate its function in both the embryonic and adult mouse heart. Early cardiomyocyte- restricted loss of Fog2 recapitulated the cardiac and coronary defects of the Fog2 germline murine knockouts. Later cardiomyocyte-restricted loss of Fog2 (Fog2MC) did not result in defects in cardiac structure or coronary vessel formation. However, Fog2MC adult mice had severely depressed ventricular function and died at 8-14 weeks. Fog2MC adult hearts displayed a paucity of coronary vessels, associated with myocardial hypoxia, increased cardiomyocyte apoptosis, and cardiac fibrosis. Induced inactivation of Fog2 in the adult mouse heart resulted in similar phenotypes, as did ablation of the FOG2 interaction with the transcription factor GATA4. Loss of the FOG2 or FOG2-GATA4 interaction altered the expression of a panel of angiogenesis-related genes. Collectively, our data indicate that FOG2 regulates adult heart function and coronary angiogenesis.


MOTIVATION: DNA copy number aberrations (CNAs) and gene expression (GE) changes provide valuable information for studying chromosomal instability and its consequences in cancer. While it is clear that the structural aberrations and the transcript levels are intertwined, their relationship is more complex and subtle than initially suspected. Most studies so far have focused on how a CNA affects the expression levels of those genes contained within that CNA. RESULTS: To better understand the impact of CNAs on expression, we investigated the correlation of each CNA to all other genes in the genome. The correlations are computed over multiple patients that have both expression and copy number measurements in brain, bladder and breast cancer data sets. We find that a CNA has a direct impact on the gene amplified or deleted, but it also has a broad, indirect impact elsewhere. To identify a set of CNAs that is coordinately associated with the expression changes of a set of genes, we used a biclustering algorithm on the correlation matrix. For each of the three cancer types examined, the aberrations in several loci are associated with cancer-type specific biological pathways that have been described in the literature: CNAs of chromosome (chr) 7p13 were significantly correlated with epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway in glioblastoma multiforme, chr 13q with NF-kappaB cascades in bladder cancer, and chr 11p with Reck pathway in breast cancer. In all three data sets, gene sets related to cell cycle/division such as M phase, DNA replication and cell division were also associated with CNAs. Our results suggest that CNAs are both directly and indirectly correlated with changes in expression and that it is beneficial to examine the indirect effects of CNAs. AVAILABILITY: The code is available upon request.
The anterior heart field (AHF) comprises a population of mesodermal progenitor cells that are added to the nascent linear heart to give rise to the majority of the right ventricle, interventricular septum, and outflow tract in mammals and birds. The zinc finger transcription factor GATA4 functions as an integral member of the cardiac transcription factor network in the derivatives of the AHF. In addition to its role in cardiac differentiation, GATA4 is also required for cardiomyocyte replication, although the transcriptional targets of GATA4 required for proliferation have not been previously identified. In the present study, we disrupted Gata4 function exclusively in the AHF and its derivatives. Gata4 AHF knockout mice die by embryonic day 13.5 and exhibit hypoplasia of the right ventricular myocardium and interventricular septum and display profound ventricular septal defects. Loss of Gata4 function in the AHF results in decreased myocyte proliferation in the right ventricle, and we identified numerous cell cycle genes that are dependent on Gata4 by microarray analysis. We show that GATA4 is required for cyclin D2, cyclin A2, and Cdk4 expression in the right ventricle and that the Cyclin D2 and Cdk4 promoters are bound and activated by GATA4 via multiple consensus GATA binding sites in each gene's proximal promoter. These findings establish Cyclin D2 and Cdk4 as direct transcriptional targets of GATA4 and support a model in which GATA4 controls cardiomyocyte proliferation by coordinately regulating numerous cell cycle genes.
Ranade, Yang-Zhou, Kong, McDonald, Cook, Pignoni. Analysis of the Otd-dependent transcriptome supports the evolutionary conservation of CRX/OTX/OTD functions in flies and vertebrates. Dev BiolDev BiolDev Biol. 2008;315:521–34.
Homeobox transcription factors of the vertebrate CRX/OTX family play critical roles in photoreceptor neurons, the rostral brain and circadian processes. In mouse, the three related proteins, CRX, OTX1, and OTX2, fulfill these functions. In Drosophila, the single founding member of this gene family, called orthodenticle (otd), is required during embryonic brain and photoreceptor neuron development. We have used global gene expression analysis in late pupal heads to better characterize the post-embryonic functions of Otd in Drosophila. We have identified 61 genes that are differentially expressed between wild type and a viable eye-specific otd mutant allele. Among them, about one-third represent potentially direct targets of Otd based on their association with evolutionarily conserved Otd-binding sequences. The spectrum of biological functions associated with these gene targets establishes Otd as a critical regulator of photoreceptor morphology and phototransduction, as well as suggests its involvement in circadian processes. Together with the well-documented role of otd in embryonic patterning, this evidence shows that vertebrate and fly genes contribute to analogous biological processes, notwithstanding the significant divergence of the underlying genetic pathways. Our findings underscore the common evolutionary history of photoperception-based functions in vertebrates and invertebrates and support the view that a complex nervous system was already present in the last common ancestor of all bilateria.
Cancer Genome Atlas Research N. Comprehensive genomic characterization defines human glioblastoma genes and core pathways. NatureNatureNature. 2008;455:1061–8.
Human cancer cells typically harbour multiple chromosomal aberrations, nucleotide substitutions and epigenetic modifications that drive malignant transformation. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) pilot project aims to assess the value of large-scale multi-dimensional analysis of these molecular characteristics in human cancer and to provide the data rapidly to the research community. Here we report the interim integrative analysis of DNA copy number, gene expression and DNA methylation aberrations in 206 glioblastomas--the most common type of adult brain cancer--and nucleotide sequence aberrations in 91 of the 206 glioblastomas. This analysis provides new insights into the roles of ERBB2, NF1 and TP53, uncovers frequent mutations of the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase regulatory subunit gene PIK3R1, and provides a network view of the pathways altered in the development of glioblastoma. Furthermore, integration of mutation, DNA methylation and clinical treatment data reveals a link between MGMT promoter methylation and a hypermutator phenotype consequent to mismatch repair deficiency in treated glioblastomas, an observation with potential clinical implications. Together, these findings establish the feasibility and power of TCGA, demonstrating that it can rapidly expand knowledge of the molecular basis of cancer.


Liu, Liberzon, Kong, Lai, Park, Kohane, Kasif. Network-based analysis of affected biological processes in type 2 diabetes models. PLoS GenetPLoS GenetPLoS Genet. 2007;3:e96.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex disorder associated with multiple genetic, epigenetic, developmental, and environmental factors. Animal models of type 2 diabetes differ based on diet, drug treatment, and gene knockouts, and yet all display the clinical hallmarks of hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in peripheral tissue. The recent advances in gene-expression microarray technologies present an unprecedented opportunity to study type 2 diabetes mellitus at a genome-wide scale and across different models. To date, a key challenge has been to identify the biological processes or signaling pathways that play significant roles in the disorder. Here, using a network-based analysis methodology, we identified two sets of genes, associated with insulin signaling and a network of nuclear receptors, which are recurrent in a statistically significant number of diabetes and insulin resistance models and transcriptionally altered across diverse tissue types. We additionally identified a network of protein-protein interactions between members from the two gene sets that may facilitate signaling between them. Taken together, the results illustrate the benefits of integrating high-throughput microarray studies, together with protein-protein interaction networks, in elucidating the underlying biological processes associated with a complex disorder.
Kong. Statistical methods in cardiac gene expression profiling: from image to function. Methods Mol BiolMethods Mol BiolMethods Mol Biol. 2007;366:75–105.
By providing genome-scale information on gene expression, microarray technology has gained popularity in diverse areas including clinical medicine. However, the analysis and interpretation of microarray data are often complicated. This chapter describes various strategies for microarray data analysis. The analysis starts with the scanned image of a microarray. The image information is processed and summarized to numerical values that represent the abundance of transcripts. Technical variability and systematic biases can be minimized with the proper procedures of background correction and normalization. Considerable numbers of genes are not expressed or not detected by microarray technology. Those genes can be filtered out before further statistical comparison to reduce the dimensionality of the problem. The next step in analysis involves statistical comparison, cluster analysis, and visualization. Genes from the same cluster are considered to be coexpressed and/or coregulated. Also, we can group coexpressed genes into categories by their biological function and cellular location. By combining prior knowledge and statistical results, we can make an inference based on the gene expression profiles.
Ikeda, Kong, Lu, Bisping, Zhang, Allen, Golub, Pieske, Pu. Altered microRNA expression in human heart disease. Physiol GenomicsPhysiol GenomicsPhysiol Genomics. 2007;31:367–73.
MicroRNAs are recently discovered regulators of gene expression and are becoming increasingly recognized as important regulators of heart function. Genome-wide profiling of microRNAs in human heart failure has not been reported previously. We measured expression of 428 microRNAs in 67 human left ventricular samples belonging to control (n = 10), ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM, n = 19), dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM, n = 25), or aortic stenosis (AS, n = 13) diagnostic groups. miRNA expression between disease and control groups was compared by ANOVA with Dunnett's post hoc test. We controlled for multiple testing by estimating the false discovery rate. Out of 428 microRNAs measured, 87 were confidently detected; 43 were differentially expressed in at least one disease group. In supervised clustering, microRNA expression profiles correctly grouped samples by their clinical diagnosis, indicating that microRNA expression profiles are distinct between diagnostic groups. This was further supported by class prediction approaches, in which the class (control, ICM, DCM, AS) predicted by a microRNA-based classifier matched the clinical diagnosis 69% of the time (P 0.001). These data show that expression of many microRNAs is altered in heart disease and that different types of heart disease are associated with distinct changes in microRNA expression. These data will guide further studies of the contribution of microRNAs to heart disease pathogenesis.
Walsh, Kong, Yao, Jallal, Kiener, Pinkus, Beggs A, Amato, Greenberg. Type I interferon-inducible gene expression in blood is present and reflects disease activity in dermatomyositis and polymyositis. Arthritis RheumArthritis RheumArthritis Rheum. 2007;56:3784–92.
OBJECTIVE: To apply gene expression profiling to the study of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with inflammatory myopathies, in order to provide insight into disease pathogenesis and identify potential biomarkers associated with disease activity. METHODS: We used Affymetrix whole-genome microarrays to measure the expression of approximately 38,500 genes in 65 blood and 15 muscle samples from 44 patients with dermatomyositis (DM), polymyositis (PM), inclusion body myositis (IBM), myasthenia gravis, or genetically determined myopathies and from 12 healthy volunteers. In 9 patients, 2 samples were obtained at different time points, when disease was either active or improving, and these paired blood samples were also compared. Bioinformatics techniques were used to identify genes with significant differential expression among diagnostic categories and in relation to disease activity. We corroborated the microarray data with quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Most patients with active DM or PM, but not patients with IBM, had significant and high up-regulation of the type I interferon-alpha/beta (IFNalpha/beta)-inducible genes in blood. Furthermore, the up-regulation of these genes correlated with disease activity in DM and PM, with down-regulation occurring when disease was controlled with treatment. CONCLUSION: DM and PM are diseases characterized by the systemic overexpression of IFNalpha/beta-inducible genes. The magnitude of the overexpression of these genes is higher in DM and correlates with disease activity in both disorders. Although PM and IBM have been modeled as having similar immunologic processes occurring within muscle, there are substantial differences in the expression of IFNalpha/beta-inducible genes in blood in these diseases.
Sangster, Bahrami, Wilczek, Watanabe, Schellenberg, McLellan, Kelley, Kong, Queitsch, Lindquist. Phenotypic diversity and altered environmental plasticity in Arabidopsis thaliana with reduced Hsp90 levels. PLoS OnePLoS OnePLoS One. 2007;2:e648.
The molecular chaperone HSP90 aids the maturation of a diverse but select set of metastable protein clients, many of which are key to a variety of signal transduction pathways. HSP90 function has been best investigated in animal and fungal systems, where inhibition of the chaperone has exceptionally diverse effects, ranging from reversing oncogenic transformation to preventing the acquisition of drug resistance. Inhibition of HSP90 in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana uncovers novel morphologies dependent on normally cryptic genetic variation and increases stochastic variation inherent to developmental processes. The biochemical activity of HSP90 is strictly conserved between animals and plants. However, the substrates and pathways dependent on HSP90 in plants are poorly understood. Progress has been impeded by the necessity of reliance on light-sensitive HSP90 inhibitors due to redundancy in the A. thaliana HSP90 gene family. Here we present phenotypic and genome-wide expression analyses of A. thaliana with constitutively reduced HSP90 levels achieved by RNAi targeting. HSP90 reduction affects a variety of quantitative life-history traits, including flowering time and total seed set, increases morphological diversity, and decreases the developmental stability of repeated characters. Several morphologies are synergistically affected by HSP90 and growth temperature. Genome-wide expression analyses also suggest a central role for HSP90 in the genesis and maintenance of plastic responses. The expression results are substantiated by examination of the response of HSP90-reduced plants to attack by caterpillars of the generalist herbivore Trichoplusia ni. HSP90 reduction potentiates a more robust herbivore defense response. In sum, we propose that HSP90 exerts global effects on the environmental responsiveness of plants to many different stimuli. The comprehensive set of HSP90-reduced lines described here is a vital instrument to further examine the role of HSP90 as a central interface between organism, development, and environment.