Publications by Type: Journal Article


Tessneer, Kandice, Satish Pasula, Xiaofeng Cai, Yunzhou Dong, John McManus, Xiaolei Liu, Lili Yu, et al. (2014) 2014. “Genetic reduction of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 rescues aberrant angiogenesis caused by epsin deficiency”. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 34 (2): 331-37.
OBJECTIVE: We previously showed that endothelial epsin deficiency caused elevated vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) and enhanced VEGF signaling, resulting in aberrant tumor angiogenesis and reduced tumor growth in adult mice. However, direct evidence demonstrating that endothelial epsins regulate angiogenesis specifically through VEGFR2 downregulation is still lacking. In addition, whether the lack of epsins causes abnormal angiogenesis during embryonic development remains unclear. APPROACH AND RESULTS: A novel strain of endothelial epsin-deleted mice that are heterozygous for VEGFR2 (Epn1(fl/fl); Epn2(-/-); Flk(fl/+); iCDH5 Cre mice) was created. Analysis of embryos at different developmental stages showed that deletion of epsins caused defective embryonic angiogenesis and retarded embryo development. In vitro angiogenesis assays using isolated primary endothelial cells (ECs) from Epn1(fl/fl); Epn2(-/-); iCDH5 Cre (EC-iDKO) and Epn1(fl/fl); Epn2(-/-); Flk(fl/+); iCDH5 Cre (EC-iDKO-Flk(fl/+)) mice demonstrated that VEGFR2 reduction in epsin-depleted cells was sufficient to restore normal VEGF signaling, EC proliferation, EC migration, and EC network formation. These findings were complemented by in vivo wound healing, inflammatory angiogenesis, and tumor angiogenesis assays in which reduction of VEGFR2 was sufficient to rescue abnormal angiogenesis in endothelial epsin-deleted mice. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide the first genetic demonstration that epsins function specifically to downregulate VEGFR2 by mediating activated VEGFR2 internalization and degradation and that genetic reduction of VEGFR2 level protects against excessive angiogenesis caused by epsin loss. Our findings indicate that epsins may be a potential therapeutic target in conditions in which tightly regulated angiogenesis is crucial, such as in diabetic wound healing and tumors.


Tessneer, Kandice L, Xiaofeng Cai, Satish Pasula, Yunzhou Dong, Xiaolei Liu, Baojun Chang, John McManus, Scott Hahn, Lili Yu, and Hong Chen. (2013) 2013. “Epsin Family of Endocytic Adaptor Proteins as Oncogenic Regulators of Cancer Progression”. Journal of Cancer Research Updates 2 (3): 144-50.

Tumor angiogenesis, tumor cell proliferation, and tumor cell migration result from an accumulation of oncogenic mutations that alter protein expression and the regulation of various signaling cascades. Epsins, a small family of clathrin-mediated endocytic adaptor proteins, are reportedly upregulated in a variety of cancers. Importantly, loss of epsins protects against tumorigenesis, thus supporting an oncogenic role for epsins in cancer. Although a clear relationship between epsins and cancer has evolved, the importance of this relationship with regards to cancer progression and anti-cancer therapies remains unclear. In this review, we summarize epsins' role as endocytic adaptors that modulate VEGF and Notch signaling through the regulated internalization of VEGFR2 and trans-endocytosis of Notch receptors. As both VEGF and Notch signaling have significant implications in angiogenesis, we focus on the newly identified role for epsins in tumor angiogenesis. In addition to epsins' canonical role in receptor-mediated endocytosis, and the resulting downstream signaling regulation, we discuss the non-canonical role of epsins as regulators of small GTPases and the implications this has on tumor cell proliferation and invasion. Given epsins' identified roles in tumor angiogenesis, tumor cell proliferation, and tumor cell invasion, we predict that the investigative links between epsins and cancer will provide new insights into the importance of endocytic adaptors and their potential use as future therapeutic targets.

Huang, Qunhua, Lingfeng Qin, Shengchuan Dai, Haifeng Zhang, Satish Pasula, Huanjiao Zhou, Hong Chen, and Wang Min. (2013) 2013. “AIP1 suppresses atherosclerosis by limiting hyperlipidemia-induced inflammation and vascular endothelial dysfunction”. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 33 (4): 795-804.

OBJECTIVE: Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1-interacting protein-1 (AIP1) is a signaling adaptor molecule implicated in stress and apoptotic signaling induced by proinflammatory mediators. However, its function in atherosclerosis has not been established. In the present study, we use AIP1-null (AIP1(-/-)) mice to examine its effect on atherosclerotic lesions in an apolipoprotein E-null (ApoE(-/-)) mouse model of atherosclerosis.

APPROACH AND RESULTS: ApoE(-/-) control mice developed atherosclerosis in the aortic roots and descending aortas on Western-type diet for 10 weeks, whereas the atherosclerotic lesions are significantly augmented in ApoE(-/-)AIP1(-/-) double knockout (DKO) mice. DKO mice show increases in plasma inflammatory cytokines with no significant alterations in body weight, total cholesterol levels, or lipoprotein profiles. Aortas in DKO mice show increased inflammation and endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction with nuclear factor-κB activity, correlating with increased accumulation of macrophages in the lesion area. Importantly, macrophages from DKO donors are not sufficient to augment inflammatory responses and atherogenesis when transferred to ApoE-KO recipients. Mechanistic studies suggest that AIP1 is highly expressed in aortic EC, but not in macrophages, and AIP1 deletion in EC significantly enhance oxidized low-density lipoprotein-induced nuclear factor-κB signaling, gene expression of inflammatory molecules, and monocyte adhesion, suggesting that vascular EC are responsible for the increased inflammatory responses observed in DKO mice.

CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that loss of AIP1 in aortic EC primarily contributes to the exacerbated lesion expansion in the ApoE(-/-)AIP1(-/-) mice, revealing an important role of AIP1 in limiting inflammation, EC dysfunction, and atherosclerosis.

Herzog, Brett, Jianxin Fu, Stephen Wilson, Paul Hess, Aslihan Sen, Michael McDaniel, Yanfang Pan, et al. 2013. “Podoplanin maintains high endothelial venule integrity by interacting with platelet CLEC-2”. Nature 502 (7469): 105-9.
Circulating lymphocytes continuously enter lymph nodes for immune surveillance through specialized blood vessels named high endothelial venules, a process that increases markedly during immune responses. How high endothelial venules (HEVs) permit lymphocyte transmigration while maintaining vascular integrity is unknown. Here we report a role for the transmembrane O-glycoprotein podoplanin (PDPN, also known as gp38 and T1α) in maintaining HEV barrier function. Mice with postnatal deletion of Pdpn lost HEV integrity and exhibited spontaneous bleeding in mucosal lymph nodes, and bleeding in the draining peripheral lymph nodes after immunization. Blocking lymphocyte homing rescued bleeding, indicating that PDPN is required to protect the barrier function of HEVs during lymphocyte trafficking. Further analyses demonstrated that PDPN expressed on fibroblastic reticular cells, which surround HEVs, functions as an activating ligand for platelet C-type lectin-like receptor 2 (CLEC-2, also known as CLEC1B). Mice lacking fibroblastic reticular cell PDPN or platelet CLEC-2 exhibited significantly reduced levels of VE-cadherin (also known as CDH5), which is essential for overall vascular integrity, on HEVs. Infusion of wild-type platelets restored HEV integrity in Clec-2-deficient mice. Activation of CLEC-2 induced release of sphingosine-1-phosphate from platelets, which promoted expression of VE-cadherin on HEVs ex vivo. Furthermore, draining peripheral lymph nodes of immunized mice lacking sphingosine-1-phosphate had impaired HEV integrity similar to Pdpn- and Clec-2-deficient mice. These data demonstrate that local sphingosine-1-phosphate release after PDPN-CLEC-2-mediated platelet activation is critical for HEV integrity during immune responses.
Tessneer, Kandice, Satish Pasula, Xiaofeng Cai, Yunzhou Dong, Xiaolei Liu, Lili Yu, Scott Hahn, et al. (2013) 2013. “Endocytic adaptor protein epsin is elevated in prostate cancer and required for cancer progression”. ISRN Oncol 2013: 420597.
Epsins have an important role in mediating clathrin-mediated endocytosis of ubiquitinated cell surface receptors. The potential role for epsins in tumorigenesis and cancer metastasis by regulating intracellular signaling pathways has largely not been explored. Epsins are reportedly upregulated in several types of cancer including human skin, lung, and canine mammary cancers. However, whether their expression is elevated in prostate cancer is unknown. In this study, we investigated the potential role of epsins in prostate tumorigenesis using the wild type or epsin-deficient human prostate cancer cells, LNCaP, in a human xenograft model, and the spontaneous TRAMP mouse model in wild type or epsin-deficient background. Here, we reported that the expression of epsins 1 and 2 is upregulated in both human and mouse prostate cancer cells and cancerous tissues. Consistent with upregulation of epsins in prostate tumors, we discovered that depletion of epsins impaired tumor growth in both the human LNCaP xenograft and the TRAMP mouse prostate. Furthermore, epsin depletion significantly prolonged survival in the TRAMP mouse model. In summary, our findings suggest that epsins may act as oncogenic proteins to promote prostate tumorigenesis and that depletion or inhibition of epsins may provide a novel therapeutic target for future prostate cancer therapies.


Pasula, Satish, Xiaofeng Cai, Yunzhou Dong, Mirko Messa, John McManus, Baojun Chang, Xiaolei Liu, et al. (2012) 2012. “Endothelial epsin deficiency decreases tumor growth by enhancing VEGF signaling”. J Clin Invest 122 (12): 4424-38.
Epsins are a family of ubiquitin-binding, endocytic clathrin adaptors. Mice lacking both epsins 1 and 2 (Epn1/2) die at embryonic day 10 and exhibit an abnormal vascular phenotype. To examine the angiogenic role of endothelial epsins, we generated mice with constitutive or inducible deletion of Epn1/2 in vascular endothelium. These mice exhibited no abnormal phenotypes under normal conditions, suggesting that lack of endothelial epsins 1 and 2 did not affect normal blood vessels. In tumors, however, loss of epsins 1 and 2 resulted in disorganized vasculature, significantly increased vascular permeability, and markedly retarded tumor growth. Mechanistically, we show that VEGF promoted binding of epsin to ubiquitinated VEGFR2. Loss of epsins 1 and 2 specifically impaired endocytosis and degradation of VEGFR2, which resulted in excessive VEGF signaling that compromised tumor vascular function by exacerbating nonproductive leaky angiogenesis. This suggests that tumor vasculature requires a balance in VEGF signaling to provide sufficient productive angiogenesis for tumor development and that endothelial epsins 1 and 2 negatively regulate the output of VEGF signaling. Promotion of excessive VEGF signaling within tumors via a block of epsin 1 and 2 function may represent a strategy to prevent normal angiogenesis in cancer patients who are resistant to anti-VEGF therapies.
Ji, Weidong, Yonghao Li, Ting Wan, Jing Wang, Haifeng Zhang, Hong Chen, and Wang Min. (2012) 2012. “Both internalization and AIP1 association are required for tumor necrosis factor receptor 2-mediated JNK signaling”. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 32 (9): 2271-9.
OBJECTIVE: The proinflammtory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF), primarily via TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1), induces nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-dependent cell survival, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and caspase-dependent cell death, regulating vascular endothelial cell (EC) activation and apoptosis. However, signaling by the second receptor, TNFR2, is poorly understood. The goal of this study was to dissect how TNFR2 mediates NF-κB and JNK signaling in vascular EC, and its relevance to in vivo EC function. METHODS AND RESULTS: We show that TNFR2 contributes to TNF-induced NF-κB and JNK signaling in EC as TNFR2 deletion or knockdown reduces the TNF responses. To dissect the critical domains of TNFR2 that mediate the TNF responses, we examine the activity of TNFR2 mutant with a specific deletion of the TNFR2 intracellular region, which contains conserved domain I, domain II, domain III, and 2 TNFR-associated factor-2-binding sites. Deletion analyses indicate that different sequences on TNFR2 have distinct roles in NF-κB and JNK activation. Specifically, deletion of the TNFR-associated factor-2-binding sites (TNFR2-59) diminishes the TNFR2-mediated NF-κB, but not JNK activation; whereas, deletion of domain II or domain III blunts TNFR2-mediated JNK but not NF-κB activation. Interestingly, we find that the TNFR-associated factor-2-binding sites ensure TNFR2 on the plasma membrane, but the di-leucine LL motif within the domain II and aa338-355 within the domain III are required for TNFR2 internalization as well as TNFR2-dependent JNK signaling. Moreover, domain III of TNFR2 is responsible for association with ASK1-interacting protein-1, a signaling adaptor critical for TNF-induced JNK signaling. While TNFR2 containing the TNFR-associated factor-2-binding sites prevents EC cell death, a specific activation of JNK without NF-κB activation by TNFR2-59 strongly induces caspase activation and EC apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our data reveal that both internalization and ASK1-interacting protein-1 association are required for TNFR2-dependent JNK and apoptotic signaling. Controlling TNFR2-mediated JNK and apoptotic signaling in EC may provide a novel strategy for the treatment of vascular diseases.
Jones, Dennis, Yonghao Li, Yun He, Zhe Xu, Hong Chen, and Wang Min. (2012) 2012. “Mirtron microRNA-1236 inhibits VEGFR-3 signaling during inflammatory lymphangiogenesis”. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 32 (3): 633-42.
OBJECTIVE: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor(VEGFR)-3 is a critical regulator of developmental and adult vasculogenesis and lymphangiogenesis through its interactions with select members of the VEGF family. The goal of this study was to investigate how VEGFR-3 expression is regulated during inflammatory lymphangiogenesis. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this study, we present for the first time evidence that VEGFR-3 can be negatively regulated by a mirtron, hsa-miR-1236 (miR-1236), which is expressed in primary human lymphatic endothelial cells. In human lymphatic endothelial cells, miR-1236 is upregulated in response to IL-1β, a negative regulator of VEGFR-3. miR-1236 binds the 3' untranslated region of Vegfr3, resulting in translational inhibition. Overexpression of miR-1236 significantly decreased expression of VEGFR-3, but not VEGFR-2, in human lymphatic endothelial cells. Compared to a control miR, overexpression of miR-1236 also led to decreased VEGFR-3 signaling. However, VEGFR-2-specific signaling was not affected. miR-1236 can attenuate human lymphatic endothelial cell migration and tube formation, as well as in vivo lymphangiogenesis. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that miR-1236 may function as a negative regulator of VEGFR-3 signaling during inflammatory lymphangiogenesis.


Fu, Jianxin, Bo Wei, Tao Wen, Malin E Johansson V, Xiaowei Liu, Emily Bradford, Kristina A Thomsson, et al. (2011) 2011. “Loss of intestinal core 1-derived O-glycans causes spontaneous colitis in mice”. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 121 (4): 1657-66.

Mucin-type O-linked oligosaccharides (O-glycans) are primary components of the intestinal mucins that form the mucus gel layer overlying the gut epithelium. Impaired expression of intestinal O-glycans has been observed in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), but its role in the etiology of this disease is unknown. Here, we report that mice with intestinal epithelial cell-specific deficiency of core 1-derived O-glycans, the predominant form of O-glycans, developed spontaneous colitis that resembled human UC, including massive myeloid infiltrates and crypt abscesses. The colitis manifested in these mice was also characterized by TNF-producing myeloid infiltrates in colon mucosa in the absence of lymphocytes, supporting an essential role for myeloid cells in colitis initiation. Furthermore, induced deletion of intestinal core 1-derived O-glycans caused spontaneous colitis in adult mice. These data indicate a causal role for the loss of core 1-derived O-glycans in colitis. Finally, we detected a biosynthetic intermediate typically exposed in the absence of core 1 O-glycan, Tn antigen, in the colon epithelium of a subset of UC patients. Somatic mutations in the X-linked gene that encodes core 1 β1,3-galactosyltransferase-specific chaperone 1 (C1GALT1C1, also known as Cosmc), which is essential for core 1 O-glycosylation, were found in Tn-positive epithelia. These data suggest what we believe to be a new molecular mechanism for the pathogenesis of UC.

Yu, Luyang, Lingfeng Qin, Haifeng Zhang, Yun He, Hong Chen, Jordan Pober, George Tellides, and Wang Min. (2011) 2011. “AIP1 prevents graft arteriosclerosis by inhibiting interferon-γ-dependent smooth muscle cell proliferation and intimal expansion”. Circ Res 109 (4): 418-27.

RATIONALE: ASK1-interacting protein-1 (AIP1), a Ras GTPase-activating protein family member, is highly expressed in endothelial cells and vascular smooth musccells (VSMCs). The role of AIP1 in VSMCs and VSMC proliferative disease is not known. OBJECTIVE: We used mouse graft arteriosclerosis models characterized by VSMC accumulation and intimal expansion to determine the function of AIP1. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a single minor histocompatibility antigen (male to female)-dependent aorta transplantation model, AIP1 deletion in the graft augmented neointima formation, an effect reversed in AIP1/interferon-γ receptor (IFN-γR) doubly-deficient aorta donors. In a syngeneic aortic transplantation model in which wild-type or AIP1-knockout mouse aortas were transplanted into IFN-γR-deficient recipients and in which neointima formation was induced by intravenous administration of an adenovirus that encoded a mouse IFN-γ transgene, donor grafts from AIP1-knockout mice enhanced IFN-γ-induced VSMC proliferation and neointima formation. Mechanistically, knockout or knockdown of AIP1 in VSMCs significantly enhanced IFN-γ-induced JAK-STAT signaling and IFN-γ-dependent VSMC migration and proliferation, 2 critical steps in neointima formation. Furthermore, AIP1 specifically bound to JAK2 and inhibited its activity. CONCLUSIONS: AIP1 functions as a negative regulator in IFN-γ-induced intimal formation, in part by downregulating IFN-γ-JAK2-STAT1/3-dependent migratory and proliferative signaling in VSMCs.