

Bergstrom, Kirk, Xiaowei Liu, Yiming Zhao, Nan Gao, Qian Wu, Kai Song, Yi Cui, et al. 2016. “Defective Intestinal Mucin-Type O-Glycosylation Causes Spontaneous Colitis-Associated Cancer in Mice”. Gastroenterology 151 (1): 152-164.e11.

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Core 1- and core 3-derived mucin-type O-linked oligosaccharides (O-glycans) are major components of the colonic mucus layer. Defective forms of colonic O-glycans, such as the Thomsen-nouveau (Tn) antigen, frequently are observed in patients with ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer, but it is not clear if they contribute to their pathogenesis. We investigated whether and how impaired O-glycosylation contributes to the development of colitis-associated colorectal cancer using mice lacking intestinal core 1- and core 3-derived O-glycans.

METHODS: We generated mice that lack core 1- and core 3-derived intestinal O-glycans (DKO mice) and analyzed them, along with mice that singly lack intestinal epithelial core 1 O-glycans (IEC C1galt1(-/-) mice) or core 3 O-glycans (C3Gnt(-/-) mice). Intestinal tissues were collected at different time points and analyzed for levels of mucin and Tn antigen, development of colitis, and tumor formation using imaging, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, immunoblot, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay techniques. We also used cellular and genetic approaches, as well as intestinal microbiota depletion, to identify inflammatory mediators and pathways that contribute to disease in DKO and wild-type littermates (controls).

RESULTS: Intestinal tissues from DKO mice contained higher levels of Tn antigen and had more severe spontaneous chronic colitis than tissues from IEC C1galt1(-/-) mice, whereas spontaneous colitis was absent in C3GnT(-/-) and control mice. IEC C1galt1(-/-) mice and DKO mice developed spontaneous colorectal tumors, although the onset of tumors in the DKO mice occurred earlier (age, 8-9 months) than that in IEC C1galt1(-/-) mice (15 months old). Antibiotic depletion of the microbiota did not cause loss of Tn antigen but did reduce the development of colitis and cancer formation in DKO mice. Colon tissues from DKO mice, but not control mice, contained active forms of caspase 1 and increased caspase 11, which were reduced after antibiotic administration. Supernatants from colon tissues of DKO mice contained increased levels of interleukin-1β and interleukin-18, compared with those from control mice. Disruption of the caspase 1 and caspase 11 genes in DKO mice (DKO/Casp1/11(-/-) mice) decreased the development of colitis and cancer, characterized by reduced colonic thickening, hyperplasia, inflammatory infiltrate, and tumors compared with DKO mice.

CONCLUSIONS: Impaired expression of O-glycans causes colonic mucus barrier breach and subsequent microbiota-mediated activation of caspase 1-dependent inflammasomes in colonic epithelial cells of mice. These processes could contribute to colitis-associated colon cancer in humans.

Cha, Boksik, Xin Geng, Md Riaj Mahamud, Jianxin Fu, Anish Mukherjee, Yeunhee Kim, Eek-Hoon Jho, et al. 2016. “Mechanotransduction activates canonical Wnt β-catenin signaling to promote lymphatic vascular patterning and the development of lymphatic and lymphovenous valves”. Genes Dev 30 (12): 1454-69.

Lymphatic vasculature regulates fluid homeostasis by returning interstitial fluid to blood circulation. Lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are the building blocks of the entire lymphatic vasculature. LECs originate as a homogeneous population of cells predominantly from the embryonic veins and undergo stepwise morphogenesis to become the lymphatic capillaries, collecting vessels or valves. The molecular mechanisms underlying the morphogenesis of the lymphatic vasculature remain to be fully understood. Here we show that canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling is necessary for lymphatic vascular morphogenesis. Lymphatic vascular-specific ablation of β-catenin in mice prevents the formation of lymphatic and lymphovenous valves. Additionally, lymphatic vessel patterning is defective in these mice, with abnormal recruitment of mural cells. We found that oscillatory shear stress (OSS), which promotes lymphatic vessel maturation, triggers Wnt/β-catenin signaling in LECs. In turn, Wnt/β-catenin signaling controls the expression of several molecules, including the lymphedema-associated transcription factor FOXC2. Importantly, FOXC2 completely rescues the lymphatic vessel patterning defects in mice lacking β-catenin. Thus, our work reveals that mechanical stimulation is a critical regulator of lymphatic vascular development via activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling and, in turn, FOXC2.

Geng, Xin, Boksik Cha, Md Riaj Mahamud, Kim-Chew Lim, Robert Silasi-Mansat, Mohammad Uddin, Naoyuki Miura, et al. 2016. “Multiple mouse models of primary lymphedema exhibit distinct defects in lymphovenous valve development”. Dev Biol 409 (1): 218-33.
Lymph is returned to the blood circulation exclusively via four lymphovenous valves (LVVs). Despite their vital importance, the architecture and development of LVVs is poorly understood. We analyzed the formation of LVVs at the molecular and ultrastructural levels during mouse embryogenesis and identified three critical steps. First, LVV-forming endothelial cells (LVV-ECs) differentiate from PROX1(+) progenitors and delaminate from the luminal side of the veins. Second, LVV-ECs aggregate, align perpendicular to the direction of lymph flow and establish lympho-venous connections. Finally, LVVs mature with the recruitment of mural cells. LVV morphogenesis is disrupted in four different mouse models of primary lymphedema and the severity of LVV defects correlate with that of lymphedema. In summary, we have provided the first and the most comprehensive analysis of LVV development. Furthermore, our work suggests that aberrant LVVs contribute to lymphedema.


Chang, Baojun, Kandice L Tessneer, John McManus, Xiaolei Liu, Scott Hahn, Satish Pasula, Hao Wu, et al. (2015) 2015. “Epsin is required for Dishevelled stability and Wnt signalling activation in colon cancer development”. Nature Communications 6: 6380.

Uncontrolled canonical Wnt signalling supports colon epithelial tumour expansion and malignant transformation. Understanding the regulatory mechanisms involved is crucial for elucidating the pathogenesis of and will provide new therapeutic targets for colon cancer. Epsins are ubiquitin-binding adaptor proteins upregulated in several human cancers; however, the involvement of epsins in colon cancer is unknown. Here we show that loss of intestinal epithelial epsins protects against colon cancer by significantly reducing the stability of the crucial Wnt signalling effector, dishevelled (Dvl2), and impairing Wnt signalling. Consistently, epsins and Dvl2 are correspondingly upregulated in colon cancer. Mechanistically, epsin binds Dvl2 via its epsin N-terminal homology domain and ubiquitin-interacting motifs and prohibits Dvl2 polyubiquitination and degradation. Our findings reveal an unconventional role for epsins in stabilizing Dvl2 and potentiating Wnt signalling in colon cancer cells to ensure robust colon cancer progression. The pro-carcinogenic role of Epsins suggests that they are potential therapeutic targets to combat colon cancer.

Dong, Yunzhou, Hao Wu, H N Ashiqur Rahman, Yanjun Liu, Satish Pasula, Kandice L Tessneer, Xiaofeng Cai, et al. (2015) 2015. “Motif mimetic of epsin perturbs tumor growth and metastasis”. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 125 (12): 4349-64.

Tumor angiogenesis is critical for cancer progression. In multiple murine models, endothelium-specific epsin deficiency abrogates tumor progression by shifting the balance of VEGFR2 signaling toward uncontrolled tumor angiogenesis, resulting in dysfunctional tumor vasculature. Here, we designed a tumor endothelium-targeting chimeric peptide (UPI) for the purpose of inhibiting endogenous tumor endothelial epsins by competitively binding activated VEGFR2. We determined that the UPI peptide specifically targets tumor endothelial VEGFR2 through an unconventional binding mechanism that is driven by unique residues present only in the epsin ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM) and the VEGFR2 kinase domain. In murine models of neoangiogenesis, UPI peptide increased VEGF-driven angiogenesis and neovascularization but spared quiescent vascular beds. Further, in tumor-bearing mice, UPI peptide markedly impaired functional tumor angiogenesis, tumor growth, and metastasis, resulting in a notable increase in survival. Coadministration of UPI peptide with cytotoxic chemotherapeutics further sustained tumor inhibition. Equipped with localized tumor endothelium-specific targeting, our UPI peptide provides potential for an effective and alternative cancer therapy.

Song, Kai, Brett Herzog, Jianxin Fu, Minjia Sheng, Kirk Bergstrom, Michael McDaniel, Yuji Kondo, et al. 2015. “Loss of Core 1-derived O-Glycans Decreases Breast Cancer Development in Mice”. J Biol Chem 290 (33): 20159-66.
Mucin-type core 1-derived O-glycans, one of the major types of O-glycans, are highly expressed in mammary gland epithelium. Abnormal O-glycans such as Tn antigen are found in over 90% of breast cancers; however, the in vivo role of these aberrant O-glycans in the etiology of breast cancer is unclear. We generated mice with mammary epithelial specific deletion of core 1-derived O-glycans. By crossing with two spontaneous mouse breast cancer models, we determined that loss of core 1-derived O-glycans delays the onset and progression of breast cancer development. Deficiency of core 1 O-glycosylation impaired the localization of Muc1, a major O-glycoprotein, on the apical surfaces of mammary epithelium. Signaling mediated by Muc1, which is critical for breast cancer development, was also defective in the absence of core 1 O-glycans. This study reveals an unexpected role of core 1-derived O-glycans in breast cancer development in mice.


Liu, Xiaolei, Satish Pasula, Hoogeun Song, Kandice L Tessneer, Yunzhou Dong, Scott Hahn, Tadayuki Yago, et al. (2014) 2014. “Temporal and spatial regulation of epsin abundance and VEGFR3 signaling are required for lymphatic valve formation and function”. Science Signaling 7 (347): ra97.

Lymphatic valves prevent the backflow of the lymph fluid and ensure proper lymphatic drainage throughout the body. Local accumulation of lymphatic fluid in tissues, a condition called lymphedema, is common in individuals with malformed lymphatic valves. The vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3) is required for the development of lymphatic vascular system. The abundance of VEGFR3 in collecting lymphatic trunks is high before valve formation and, except at valve regions, decreases after valve formation. We found that in mesenteric lymphatics, the abundance of epsin 1 and 2, which are ubiquitin-binding adaptor proteins involved in endocytosis, was low at early stages of development. After lymphatic valve formation, the initiation of steady shear flow was associated with an increase in the abundance of epsin 1 and 2 in collecting lymphatic trunks, but not in valve regions. Epsin 1 and 2 bound to VEGFR3 and mediated the internalization and degradation of VEGFR3, resulting in termination of VEGFR3 signaling. Mice with lymphatic endothelial cell-specific deficiency of epsin 1 and 2 had dilated lymphatic capillaries, abnormally high VEGFR3 abundance in collecting lymphatics, immature lymphatic valves, and defective lymph drainage. Deletion of a single Vegfr3 allele or pharmacological suppression of VEGFR3 signaling restored normal lymphatic valve development and lymph drainage in epsin-deficient mice. Our findings establish a critical role for epsins in the temporal and spatial regulation of VEGFR3 abundance and signaling in collecting lymphatic trunks during lymphatic valve formation.

Pan, Yanfang, Tadayuki Yago, Jianxin Fu, Brett Herzog, Michael McDaniel, Padmaja Mehta-D’Souza, Xiaofeng Cai, et al. (2014) 2014. “Podoplanin requires sialylated O-glycans for stable expression on lymphatic endothelial cells and for interaction with platelets”. Blood 124 (24): 3656-65.

O-glycosylation of podoplanin (PDPN) on lymphatic endothelial cells is critical for the separation of blood and lymphatic systems by interacting with platelet C-type lectin-like receptor 2 during development. However, how O-glycosylation controls endothelial PDPN function and expression remains unclear. In this study, we report that core 1 O-glycan-deficient or desialylated PDPN was highly susceptible to proteolytic degradation by various proteases, including metalloproteinases (MMP)-2/9. We found that the lymph contained activated MMP-2/9 and incubation of the lymph reduced surface levels of PDPN on core 1 O-glycan-deficient endothelial cells, but not on wild-type ECs. The lymph from mice with sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture, which contained bacteria-derived sialidase, reduced PDPN levels on wild-type ECs. The MMP inhibitor, GM6001, rescued these reductions. Additionally, GM6001 treatment rescued the reduction of PDPN level on lymphatic endothelial cells in mice lacking endothelial core 1 O-glycan or cecal ligation and puncture-treated mice. Furthermore, core 1 O-glycan-deficient or desialylated PDPN impaired platelet interaction under physiological flow. These data indicate that sialylated O-glycans of PDPN are essential for platelet adhesion and prevent PDPN from proteolytic degradation primarily mediated by MMPs in the lymph.

Chen, Hong, Courtney Griffin, Lijun Xia, and Sathish Srinivasan. (2014) 2014. “Molecular and cellular mechanisms of lymphatic vascular maturation”. Microvasc Res 96: 16-22.
Lymphatic vasculature is necessary for maintaining fluid homeostasis in vertebrates. During embryogenesis lymphatic endothelial cells originate from the veins as a homogeneous population. These cells undergo a series of changes at the morphological and molecular levels to become mature lymphatic vasculature that consists of lymphatic capillaries, collecting lymphatic vessels and valves. In this article we summarize our current knowledge about these steps and highlight some black boxes that require further clarification.
Messa, Mirko, Rubén Fernández-Busnadiego, Elizabeth Wen Sun, Hong Chen, Heather Czapla, Kristie Wrasman, Yumei Wu, et al. 2014. “Epsin deficiency impairs endocytosis by stalling the actin-dependent invagination of endocytic clathrin-coated pits”. Elife 3: e03311.
Epsin is an evolutionarily conserved endocytic clathrin adaptor whose most critical function(s) in clathrin coat dynamics remain(s) elusive. To elucidate such function(s), we generated embryonic fibroblasts from conditional epsin triple KO mice. Triple KO cells displayed a dramatic cell division defect. Additionally, a robust impairment in clathrin-mediated endocytosis was observed, with an accumulation of early and U-shaped pits. This defect correlated with a perturbation of the coupling between the clathrin coat and the actin cytoskeleton, which we confirmed in a cell-free assay of endocytosis. Our results indicate that a key evolutionary conserved function of epsin, in addition to other roles that include, as we show here, a low affinity interaction with SNAREs, is to help generate the force that leads to invagination and then fission of clathrin-coated pits.