

Dong, Yunzhou, Yang Lee, Kui Cui, Ming He, Beibei Wang, Sudarshan Bhattacharjee, Bo Zhu, et al. 2020. “Epsin-mediated degradation of IP3R1 fuels atherosclerosis”. Nature Communications 11 (1): 3984.

The epsin family of endocytic adapter proteins are widely expressed, and interact with both proteins and lipids to regulate a variety of cell functions. However, the role of epsins in atherosclerosis is poorly understood. Here, we show that deletion of endothelial epsin proteins reduces inflammation and attenuates atherosclerosis using both cell culture and mouse models of this disease. In atherogenic cholesterol-treated murine aortic endothelial cells, epsins interact with the ubiquitinated endoplasmic reticulum protein inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 (IP3R1), which triggers proteasomal degradation of this calcium release channel. Epsins potentiate its degradation via this interaction. Genetic reduction of endothelial IP3R1 accelerates atherosclerosis, whereas deletion of endothelial epsins stabilizes IP3R1 and mitigates inflammation. Reduction of IP3R1 in epsin-deficient mice restores atherosclerotic progression. Taken together, epsin-mediated degradation of IP3R1 represents a previously undiscovered biological role for epsin proteins and may provide new therapeutic targets for the treatment of atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Adini, Avner, Hao Wu, Duy T Dao, Victoria H Ko, Lumeng J Yu, Amy Pan, Mark Puder, et al. 2020. “PR1P Stabilizes VEGF and Upregulates Its Signaling to Reduce Elastase-induced Murine Emphysema”. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 63 (4): 452-63.

Emphysema is a progressive and fatal lung disease with no cure that is characterized by thinning, enlargement, and destruction of alveoli, leading to impaired gas exchange. Disease progression is due in part to dysregulation of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) signaling in the lungs and increased lung-cell apoptosis. Here we asked whether PR1P (Prominin-1-derived peptide), a novel short peptide we designed that increases VEGF binding to endothelial cells, could be used to improve outcome in in vitro and in vivo models of emphysema. We used computer simulation and in vitro and in vivo studies to show that PR1P upregulated endogenous VEGF receptor-2 signaling by binding VEGF and preventing its proteolytic degradation. In so doing, PR1P mitigated toxin-induced lung-cell apoptosis, including from cigarette-smoke extract in vitro and from LPS in vivo in mice. Remarkably, inhaled PR1P led to significantly increased VEGF concentrations in murine lungs within 30 minutes that remained greater than twofold above that of control animals 24 hours later. Finally, inhaled PR1P reduced acute lung injury in 4- and 21-day elastase-induced murine emphysema models. Taken together, these results highlight the potential of PR1P as a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of emphysema or other lung diseases characterized by VEGF signaling dysregulation.

Potla, Ratnakar, Mariko Hirano-Kobayashi, Hao Wu, Hong Chen, Akiko Mammoto, Benjamin D Matthews, and Donald E Ingber. 2020. “Molecular mapping of transmembrane mechanotransduction through the β1 integrin-CD98hc-TRPV4 axis”. Journal of Cell Science 133 (20).

One of the most rapid (less than 4 ms) transmembrane cellular mechanotransduction events involves activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) ion channels by mechanical forces transmitted across cell surface β1 integrin receptors on endothelial cells, and the transmembrane solute carrier family 3 member 2 (herein denoted CD98hc, also known as SLC3A2) protein has been implicated in this response. Here, we show that β1 integrin, CD98hc and TRPV4 all tightly associate and colocalize in focal adhesions where mechanochemical conversion takes place. CD98hc knockdown inhibits TRPV4-mediated calcium influx induced by mechanical forces, but not by chemical activators, thus confirming the mechanospecificity of this signaling response. Molecular analysis reveals that forces applied to β1 integrin must be transmitted from its cytoplasmic C terminus via the CD98hc cytoplasmic tail to the ankyrin repeat domain of TRPV4 in order to produce ultrarapid, force-induced channel activation within the focal adhesion.

Cui, Kui, Yunzhou Dong, Beibei Wang, Douglas B Cowan, Siu-Lung Chan, John Shyy, and Hong Chen. 2020. “Endocytic Adaptors in Cardiovascular Disease”. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8: 624159.

Endocytosis is the process of actively transporting materials into a cell by membrane engulfment. Traditionally, endocytosis was divided into three forms: phagocytosis (cell eating), pinocytosis (cell drinking), and the more selective receptor-mediated endocytosis (clathrin-mediated endocytosis); however, other important endocytic pathways (e.g., caveolin-dependent endocytosis) contribute to the uptake of extracellular substances. In each, the plasma membrane changes shape to allow the ingestion and internalization of materials, resulting in the formation of an intracellular vesicle. While receptor-mediated endocytosis remains the best understood pathway, mammalian cells utilize each form of endocytosis to respond to their environment. Receptor-mediated endocytosis permits the internalization of cell surface receptors and their ligands through a complex membrane invagination process that is facilitated by clathrin and adaptor proteins. Internalized vesicles containing these receptor-ligand cargoes fuse with early endosomes, which can then be recycled back to the plasma membrane, delivered to other cellular compartments, or destined for degradation by fusing with lysosomes. These intracellular fates are largely determined by the interaction of specific cargoes with adaptor proteins, such as the epsins, disabled-homolog 2 (Dab2), the stonin proteins, epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 15, and adaptor protein 2 (AP-2). In this review, we focus on the role of epsins and Dab2 in controlling these sorting processes in the context of cardiovascular disease. In particular, we will focus on the function of epsins and Dab2 in inflammation, cholesterol metabolism, and their fundamental contribution to atherogenicity.

Cha, Boksik, Yen-Chun Ho, Xin Geng, Md Riaj Mahamud, Lijuan Chen, Yeunhee Kim, Dongwon Choi, et al. 2020. “YAP and TAZ maintain PROX1 expression in the developing lymphatic and lymphovenous valves in response to VEGF-C signaling”. Development 147 (23).
Lymphatic vasculature is an integral part of digestive, immune and circulatory systems. The homeobox transcription factor PROX1 is necessary for the development of lymphatic vessels, lymphatic valves (LVs) and lymphovenous valves (LVVs). We and others previously reported a feedback loop between PROX1 and vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) signaling. PROX1 promotes the expression of the VEGF-C receptor VEGFR3 in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs). In turn, VEGF-C signaling maintains PROX1 expression in LECs. However, the mechanisms of PROX1/VEGF-C feedback loop remain poorly understood. Whether VEGF-C signaling is necessary for LV and LVV development is also unknown. Here, we report for the first time that VEGF-C signaling is necessary for valve morphogenesis. We have also discovered that the transcriptional co-activators YAP and TAZ are required to maintain PROX1 expression in LVs and LVVs in response to VEGF-C signaling. Deletion of Yap and Taz in the lymphatic vasculature of mouse embryos did not affect the formation of LVs or LVVs, but resulted in the degeneration of these structures. Our results have identified VEGF-C, YAP and TAZ as a crucial molecular pathway in valve development.
Geng, Xin, Keisuke Yanagida, Racheal Akwii, Dongwon Choi, Lijuan Chen, YenChun Ho, Boksik Cha, et al. 2020. “S1PR1 regulates the quiescence of lymphatic vessels by inhibiting laminar shear stress-dependent VEGF-C signaling”. JCI Insight 5 (14).
During the growth of lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis), lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) at the growing front sprout by forming filopodia. Those tip cells are not exposed to circulating lymph, as they are not lumenized. In contrast, LECs that trail the growing front are exposed to shear stress, become quiescent, and remodel into stable vessels. The mechanisms that coordinate the opposed activities of lymphatic sprouting and maturation remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the canonical tip cell marker Delta-like 4 (DLL4) promotes sprouting lymphangiogenesis by enhancing VEGF-C/VEGF receptor 3 (VEGFR3) signaling. However, in lumenized lymphatic vessels, laminar shear stress (LSS) inhibits the expression of DLL4, as well as additional tip cell markers. Paradoxically, LSS also upregulates VEGF-C/VEGFR3 signaling in LECs, but sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) activity antagonizes LSS-mediated VEGF-C signaling to promote lymphatic vascular quiescence. Correspondingly, S1pr1 loss in LECs induced lymphatic vascular hypersprouting and hyperbranching, which could be rescued by reducing Vegfr3 gene dosage in vivo. In addition, S1PR1 regulates lymphatic vessel maturation by inhibiting RhoA activity to promote membrane localization of the tight junction molecule claudin-5. Our findings suggest a potentially new paradigm in which LSS induces quiescence and promotes the survival of LECs by downregulating DLL4 and enhancing VEGF-C signaling, respectively. S1PR1 dampens LSS/VEGF-C signaling, thereby preventing sprouting from quiescent lymphatic vessels. These results also highlight the distinct roles that S1PR1 and DLL4 play in LECs when compared with their known roles in the blood vasculature.


Mahamud, Md Riaj, Xin Geng, Yen-Chun Ho, Boksik Cha, Yuenhee Kim, Jing Ma, Lijuan Chen, et al. 2019. “GATA2 controls lymphatic endothelial cell junctional integrity and lymphovenous valve morphogenesis through”. Development 146 (21).
Mutations in the transcription factor GATA2 cause lymphedema. GATA2 is necessary for the development of lymphatic valves and lymphovenous valves, and for the patterning of lymphatic vessels. Here, we report that GATA2 is not necessary for valvular endothelial cell (VEC) differentiation. Instead, GATA2 is required for VEC maintenance and morphogenesis. GATA2 is also necessary for the expression of the cell junction molecules VE-cadherin and claudin 5 in lymphatic vessels. We identified miR-126 as a target of GATA2, and miR-126-/- embryos recapitulate the phenotypes of mice lacking GATA2. Primary human lymphatic endothelial cells (HLECs) lacking GATA2 (HLECΔGATA2) have altered expression of claudin 5 and VE-cadherin, and blocking miR-126 activity in HLECs phenocopies these changes in expression. Importantly, overexpression of miR-126 in HLECΔGATA2 significantly rescues the cell junction defects. Thus, our work defines a new mechanism of GATA2 activity and uncovers miR-126 as a novel regulator of mammalian lymphatic vascular development.
Brophy, Megan, Yunzhou Dong, Huan Tao, Patricia Yancey, Kai Song, Kun Zhang, Aiyun Wen, et al. 2019. “Myeloid-Specific Deletion of Epsins 1 and 2 Reduces Atherosclerosis by Preventing LRP-1 Downregulation”. Circ Res 124 (4).

RATIONALE: Atherosclerosis is, in part, caused by immune and inflammatory cell infiltration into the vascular wall, leading to enhanced inflammation and lipid accumulation in the aortic endothelium. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying this disease is critical for the development of new therapies. Our recent studies demonstrate that epsins, a family of ubiquitin-binding endocytic adaptors, are critical regulators of atherogenicity. Given the fundamental contribution lesion macrophages make to fuel atherosclerosis, whether and how myeloid-specific epsins promote atherogenesis is an open and significant question. OBJECTIVE: We will determine the role of myeloid-specific epsins in regulating lesion macrophage function during atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: We engineered myeloid cell-specific epsins double knockout mice (LysM-DKO) on an ApoE-/- background. On Western diet, these mice exhibited marked decrease in atherosclerotic lesion formation, diminished immune and inflammatory cell content in aortas, and reduced necrotic core content but increased smooth muscle cell content in aortic root sections. Epsins deficiency hindered foam cell formation and suppressed proinflammatory macrophage phenotype but increased efferocytosis and anti-inflammatory macrophage phenotype in primary macrophages. Mechanistically, we show that epsin loss specifically increased total and surface levels of LRP-1 (LDLR [low-density lipoprotein receptor]-related protein 1), an efferocytosis receptor with antiatherosclerotic properties. We further show that epsin and LRP-1 interact via epsin's ubiquitin-interacting motif domain. ox-LDL (oxidized LDL) treatment increased LRP-1 ubiquitination, subsequent binding to epsin, and its internalization from the cell surface, suggesting that epsins promote the ubiquitin-dependent internalization and downregulation of LRP-1. Crossing ApoE-/-/LysM-DKO mice onto an LRP-1 heterozygous background restored, in part, atherosclerosis, suggesting that epsin-mediated LRP-1 downregulation in macrophages plays a pivotal role in propelling atherogenesis. CONCLUSIONS: Myeloid epsins promote atherogenesis by facilitating proinflammatory macrophage recruitment and inhibiting efferocytosis in part by downregulating LRP-1, implicating that targeting epsins in macrophages may serve as a novel therapeutic strategy to treat atherosclerosis.


Cha, Boksik, Xin Geng, Md Riaj Mahamud, Jenny Y Zhang, Lijuan Chen, Wantae Kim, Eek-Hoon Jho, et al. 2018. “Complementary Wnt Sources Regulate Lymphatic Vascular Development via PROX1-Dependent Wnt β-Catenin Signaling”. Cell Reports 25 (3): 571-584.e5.

Wnt/β-catenin signaling is necessary for lymphatic vascular development. Oscillatory shear stress (OSS) enhances Wnt/β-catenin signaling in cultured lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) to induce expression of the lymphedema-associated transcription factors GATA2 and FOXC2. However, the mechanisms by which OSS regulates Wnt/β-catenin signaling and GATA2 and FOXC2 expression are unknown. We show that OSS activates autocrine Wnt/β-catenin signaling in LECs in vitro. Tissue-specific deletion of Wntless, which is required for the secretion of Wnt ligands, reveals that LECs and vascular smooth muscle cells are complementary sources of Wnt ligands that regulate lymphatic vascular development in vivo. Further, the LEC master transcription factor PROX1 forms a complex with β-catenin and the TCF/LEF transcription factor TCF7L1 to enhance Wnt/β-catenin signaling and promote FOXC2 and GATA2 expression in LECs. Thus, our work defines Wnt sources, reveals that PROX1 directs cell fate by acting as a Wnt signaling component, and dissects the mechanisms of PROX1 and Wnt synergy.

Dong, Jerry, Debra Saunders, Robert Silasi-Mansat, Lili Yu, Hua Zhu, Florea Lupu, Rheal Towner, Yunzhou Dong, and Hong Chen. 2018. “Therapeutic efficacy of a synthetic epsin mimetic peptide in glioma tumor model: uncovering multiple mechanisms beyond the VEGF-associated tumor angiogenesis”. J Neurooncol 138 (1): 17-27.

Binding of epsin ubiquitin-interacting motif (UIM) with ubiquitylated VEGFR2 is a critical mechanism for epsin-dependent VEGFR2 endocytosis and physiological angiogenesis. Deletion of epsins in vessel endothelium produces uncontrolled tumor angiogenesis and retards tumor growth in animal models. The aim of this study is to test the therapeutic efficacy and targeting specificity of a chemically-synthesized peptide, UPI, which compete for epsin binding sites in VEGFR2 and potentially inhibits Epsin-VEGFR2 interaction in vivo, in an attempt to reproduce an epsin-deficient phenotype in tumor angiogenesis. Our data show that UPI treatment significantly inhibits and shrinks tumor growth in GL261 glioma tumor model. UPI peptide specifically targets VEGFR2 signaling pathway revealed by genetic and biochemical approaches. Furthermore, we demonstrated that UPI peptide treatment caused serious thrombosis in tumor vessels and damages tumor cells after a long-term UPI peptide administration. Besides, we revealed that UPI peptides were unexpectedly targeted cancer cells and induced apoptosis. We conclude that UPI peptide is a potent inhibitor to glioma tumor growth through specific targeting of VEGFR2 signaling in the tumor vasculature and cancer cells, which may offer a potentially novel treatment for cancer patients who are resistant to current anti-VEGF therapies.