

Rosenthal, J A, H Chen, V I Slepnev, L Pellegrini, A E Salcini, P P Di Fiore, and P De Camilli. (1999) 1999. “The Epsins Define a Family of Proteins That Interact With Components of the Clathrin Coat and Contain a New Protein Module”. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (48): 33959-65.

Epsin (epsin 1) is an interacting partner for the EH domain-containing region of Eps15 and has been implicated in conjunction with Eps15 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. We report here the characterization of a similar protein (epsin 2), which we have cloned from human and rat brain libraries. Epsin 1 and 2 are most similar in their NH(2)-terminal region, which represents a module (epsin NH(2) terminal homology domain, ENTH domain) found in a variety of other proteins of the data base. The multiple DPW motifs, typical of the central region of epsin 1, are only partially conserved in epsin 2. Both proteins, however, interact through this central region with the clathrin adaptor AP-2. In addition, we show here that both epsin 1 and 2 interact with clathrin. The three NPF motifs of the COOH-terminal region of epsin 1 are conserved in the corresponding region of epsin 2, consistent with the binding of both proteins to Eps15. Epsin 2, like epsin 1, is enriched in brain, is present in a brain-derived clathrin-coated vesicle fraction, is concentrated in the peri-Golgi region and at the cell periphery of transfected cells, and partially colocalizes with clathrin. High overexpression of green fluorescent protein-epsin 2 mislocalizes components of the clathrin coat and inhibits clathrin-mediated endocytosis. The epsins define a new protein family implicated in membrane dynamics at the cell surface.


Chen, H, S Fre, V I Slepnev, M R Capua, K Takei, M H Butler, P P Di Fiore, and P De Camilli. (1998) 1998. “Epsin is an EH-domain-binding protein implicated in clathrin-mediated endocytosis”. Nature 394 (6695): 793-7.

During endocytosis, clathrin and the clathrin adaptor protein AP-2, assisted by a variety of accessory factors, help to generate an invaginated bud at the cell membrane. One of these factors is Eps15, a clathrin-coat-associated protein that binds the alpha-adaptin subunit of AP-2. Here we investigate the function of Eps15 by characterizing an important binding partner for its region containing EH domains; this protein, epsin, is closely related to the Xenopus mitotic phosphoprotein MP90 and has a ubiquitous tissue distribution. It is concentrated together with Eps15 in presynaptic nerve terminals, which are sites specialized for the clathrin-mediated endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. The central region of epsin binds AP-2 and its carboxy-terminal region binds Eps15. Epsin is associated with clathrin coats in situ, can be co-precipitated with AP-2 and Eps15 from brain extracts, but does not co-purify with clathrin coat components in a clathrin-coated vesicle fraction. When epsin function is disrupted, clathrin-mediated endocytosis is blocked. We propose that epsin may participate, together with Eps15, in the molecular rearrangement of the clathrin coats that are required for coated-pit invagination and vesicle fission.

Takei, Haucke, Slepnev, Farsad, Salazar, Chen, and De Camilli. (1998) 1998. “Generation of coated intermediates of clathrin-mediated endocytosis on protein-free liposomes”. Cell 94 (1): 131-41.

Clathrin-coated buds and dynamin-coated tubules morphologically similar to corresponding structures observed in synaptic membranes can be generated on protein-free liposomes by incubation with cytosol, or with clathrin coat proteins and purified dynamin, respectively. Dynamin- and clathrin-coated intermediates may form independently of each other, despite the coupling between the two processes typically observed in synaptic membranes. Formation of both structures on liposomes can occur in the absence of nucleotides. These findings indicate that interfaces between lipids and cytosolic proteins are fully sufficient to deform lipids bilayers into buds and tubules. They suggest that a main function of membrane proteins is to act as positive and negative regulators of coat assembly, therefore controlling these processes in time and space.


Haffner, Takei, Chen, Ringstad, Hudson, Butler, Salcini, Di Fiore, and De Camilli. (1997) 1997. “Synaptojanin 1: localization on coated endocytic intermediates in nerve terminals and interaction of its 170 kDa isoform with Eps15”. FEBS Lett 419 (2-3): 175-80.

Synaptojanin 1 is an inositol 5-phosphatase with a putative role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Goal of this study was to provide new evidence for this hypothesis. We show that synaptojanin 1 is concentrated at clathrin-coated endocytic intermediates in nerve terminals. Furthermore, we report that synaptojanin-170, an alternatively spliced isoform of synaptojanin 1, binds Eps15, a clathrin coat-associated protein. Binding is mediated by the COOH-terminal region of synaptojanin-170 which we show here to be poorly conserved from rat to humans, but to contain in both species three asparagine-proline-phenylalanine (NPF) repeats. This motif has been found to be the core of the binding site for the EH domains of Eps15. Together with previous data, our results suggest that synaptojanin 1 can be recruited to clathrin-coated pits via a multiplicity of interactions.

Shupliakov, Löw, Grabs, Gad, Chen, David, Takei, De Camilli, and Brodin. (1997) 1997. “Synaptic vesicle endocytosis impaired by disruption of dynamin-SH3 domain interactions”. Science 276 (5310): 259-63.

The proline-rich COOH-terminal region of dynamin binds various Src homology 3 (SH3) domain-containing proteins, but the physiological role of these interactions is unknown. In living nerve terminals, the function of the interaction with SH3 domains was examined. Amphiphysin contains an SH3 domain and is a major dynamin binding partner at the synapse. Microinjection of amphiphysin's SH3 domain or of a dynamin peptide containing the SH3 binding site inhibited synaptic vesicle endocytosis at the stage of invaginated clathrin-coated pits, which resulted in an activity-dependent distortion of the synaptic architecture and a depression of transmitter release. These findings demonstrate that SH3-mediated interactions are required for dynamin function and support an essential role of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in synaptic vesicle recycling.


Vettese-Dadey, M, P Walter, H Chen, L J Juan, and J L Workman. (1994) 1994. “Role of the histone amino termini in facilitated binding of a transcription factor, GAL4-AH, to nucleosome cores”. Molecular and Cellular Biology 14 (2): 970-81.

Facilitated, "cooperative" binding of GAL4-AH to nucleosomal DNA occurred in response to inhibition from the core histone amino termini. The binding of GAL4-AH (which contains the DNA-binding and dimerization domains of GAL4) to nucleosome cores containing multiple binding sites initiated at the end of a nucleosome core and proceeded in a cooperative manner until all sites were occupied. However, following tryptic removal of the core histone amino termini, GAL4-AH binding appeared to be noncooperative, similar to binding naked DNA. Binding of GAL4-AH to nucleosomes bearing a single GAL4 site at different positions indicated that inhibition of GAL4 binding was largely mediated by the histone amino termini and primarily occurred at sites well within the core and not near the end. When the histone amino termini were intact, binding of GAL4-AH to sites near the center of a nucleosome core was greatly enhanced by the presence of additional GAL4 dimers bound to more-accessible positions. These data illustrate that the binding of a factor to more-accessible sites, near the end of a nucleosome, allows facilitated binding of additional factors to the center of the nucleosome, thereby overcoming repression from the core histone amino termini. This mechanism may contribute to the binding of multiple factors to complex promoter and enhancer elements in cellular chromatin.

The binding of a GAL4-AH, USF or Sp1 to nucleosome cores was stimulated by the presence of the histone-binding protein, nucleoplasmin. Stimulation of factor binding by nucleoplasmin was specific for nucleosome reconstituted DNA and was not mimicked by non-specific histone sinks (i.e. polyglutamate or RNA). Upon GAL4-AH binding, nucleoplasmin specifically removed histones H2A and H2B from the nucleosome which enhanced the subsequent loss of the H3/H4 tetramers onto competing DNA. Thus, nucleoplasmin participated in the complete conversion of nucleosome cores to transcription factor-DNA complexes. These data indicate that proteins which bind histones can increase transcription factor binding to nucleosomal DNA and that transcription factor binding can initiate nucleosome disassembly. Similar activities of histone-binding proteins may participate in the displacement of nucleosomes at enhancers and promoters in vivo.