Publications by Type: Journal Article


Wang, Beibei, Kui Cui, Bo Zhu, Yunzhou Dong, Donghai Wang, Bandana Singh, Hao Wu, et al. 2024. “Epsins oversee smooth muscle cell reprograming by influencing master regulators KLF4 and OCT4”. BioRxiv 2024.01.08.574714.

Hypothesis VSMC play crucial roles in atherosclerosis via phenotypic switching. The trans-differentiation of VSMC into other cell types might contribute to atherosclerotic lesion development, progression, and the subsequent diseases such as myocardial infarction or stroke. Epsins, a family of endocytic adaptors, are crucial for atherosclerosis development and progression; yet, the role of epsins in VSMC phenotypic modulation is unknown.

Methods and Results To decipher the role of VSMC epsins in regulating atheroma development and progression, we created WT and SMC-specific inducible epsin1/2 double knockout (SMC-iDKO) mice on ApoE-/- background fed a western diet. Using single-cell RNA-seq analysis, we found VSMC and EC population significantly changed in SMC-iDKO/ApoE-/- mice compared to ApoE-/- mice. Using immunofluorescent and FACS analysis, we observed that both VSMC and EC marker genes expressions were up-regulated in DKO-VSMCs indicating that DKO-SMCs were maintaining their SMC phenotype and may further trans-differentiating into ECs via a process called MEndoT, mesenchymal to endothelial transition. Given the critical role ofKLF4 in regulating VSMCs phenotype during atheroma progression, we observed diminished KLF4 expression in DKO-SMCs compared to WT treated with oxLDL. Furthermore, we found that epsins interacted with KLF4 with Epsin-UIM domain and their interaction improved KLF4 stability and promoted KLF4 to transfer into nuclei. In this study, we found that epsins were highly expressed and positively correlated with the lesion severity in VSMCs in atherosclerotic. Using immunofluorescent and Oil Red O stainings, we observed reduced lipid accumulation, lesion size and macrophage infiltration but elevated VSMCs in the cap of lesions in SMC-iDKO/ApoE-/- mice compared with ApoE-/- mice.

Conclusions In conclusions, we demonstrated an unexpected role of epsins in regulating phenotypic switching by repressing SM-contractile and EC marker genes expression through an epigenetic regulatory mechanism. Our data suggest that epsins may be a therapeutic target for treating occlusive vascular diseases, and uncover regulatory pathways for therapeutic targeting of SMC transitions in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.


Wu, Hao, Kui Cui, Bo Zhu, Yao Wei Lu, Liang Sun, Qianyi Ma, Ashish Jian, et al. 2023. “Targeting endothelial FOXO1 protects diabetic β-cells and improves wound healing”. BioRxiv 2023.12.04.569948.

The forkhead box O1 (FOXO1) transcription factor plays critical roles in regulating not only metabolic activity but also angiogenesis in the vascular endothelium14. Our previous studies show that epsin endocytic adaptors can regulate both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis57. Endothelial cells (ECs) lining the inside of blood vessels are continuously exposed to circulating insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs). Emerging evidences suggest that ECs can affect β-cell function811. Excessive IGF2, especially elevated local IGF2 levels in islets, may represent a risk factor for developing diabetes1215; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms by which aberrant angiogenesis and endothelium-derived factors regulate pancreatic β-cell function in diabetes remain unclear. Here, we report that the pancreas of diabetic patients as well as the pancreas, skin, and plasma of streptozotocin/high fat diet (STZ/HFD)-induced diabetic mice and db/db mice contains excess IGF2, which can lead to β-cell dysfunction and apoptosis. Single-cell transcriptomics combined with mass spectrometry analysis reveal that endothelial-specific knockout of FOXO1 increases circulating soluble and cell-membrane or intracellular expression levels of IGF type 2 receptor (IGF2R) and CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF), while decreasing IGF2 levels in diabetes. Both IGFR21517 and CTCF1821 can reduce IGF2 levels and may ameliorate β-cell decline associated with excess IGF2 in diabetes. Furthermore, depletion of FOXO1, epsins, or knockdown of ULK1 inhibits autophagy formation in ECs, preventing degradation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) to promote angiogenesis and improve wound healing in diabetes. Our findings reveal that endothelial FOXO1 regulates epsin-dependent angiogenesis and affects β-cell function and fate through CTCF and IGF2-IGF2R, providing a potential strategy for ameliorating diabetes and accelerating cutaneous wound healing.

Cowan, Douglas B, Hao Wu, and Hong Chen. 2023. “Epsin Endocytic Adaptor Proteins in Angiogenic and Lymphangiogenic Signaling”. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine.

Circulating vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ligands and receptors are central regulators of vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and lymphangiogenesis. In response to VEGF ligand binding, VEGF receptor tyrosine kinases initiate the chain of events that transduce extracellular signals into endothelial cell responses such as survival, proliferation, and migration. These events are controlled by intricate cellular processes that include the regulation of gene expression at multiple levels, interactions of numerous proteins, and intracellular trafficking of receptor-ligand complexes. Endocytic uptake and transport of macromolecular complexes through the endosome-lysosome system helps fine-tune endothelial cell responses to VEGF signals. Clathrin-dependent endocytosis remains the best understood means of macromolecular entry into cells, although the importance of non-clathrin-dependent pathways is increasingly recognized. Many of these endocytic events rely on adaptor proteins that coordinate internalization of activated cell-surface receptors. In the endothelium of both blood and lymphatic vessels, epsins 1 and 2 are functionally redundant adaptors involved in receptor endocytosis and intracellular sorting. These proteins are capable of binding both lipids and proteins and are important for promoting curvature of the plasma membrane as well as binding ubiquitinated cargo. Here, we discuss the role of epsin proteins and other endocytic adaptors in governing VEGF signaling in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis and discuss their therapeutic potential as molecular targets.

Gao, Feng, Tian Liang, Yao Wei Lu, Linbin Pu, Xuyang Fu, Xiaoxuan Dong, Tingting Hong, et al. 2023. “Reduced Mitochondrial Protein Translation Promotes Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Heart Regeneration”. Circulation 148 (23): 1887-1906.

BACKGROUND: The importance of mitochondria in normal heart function are well recognized and recent studies have implicated changes in mitochondrial metabolism with some forms of heart disease. Previous studies demonstrated that knockdown of the mitochondrial ribosomal protein S5 (MRPS5) by small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibits mitochondrial translation and thereby causes a mitonuclear protein imbalance. Therefore, we decided to examine the effects of MRPS5 loss and the role of these processes on cardiomyocyte proliferation.

METHODS: We deleted a single allele of MRPS5 in mice and used left anterior descending coronary artery ligation surgery to induce myocardial damage in these animals. We examined cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac regeneration both in vivo and in vitro. Doxycycline treatment was used to inhibit protein translation. Heart function in mice was assessed by echocardiography. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and RNA sequencing were used to assess changes in transcription and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and BioChIP were used to assess chromatin effects. Protein levels were assessed by Western blotting and cell proliferation or death by histology and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) assays. Adeno-associated virus was used to overexpress genes. The luciferase reporter assay was used to assess promoter activity. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate, ATP levels, and reactive oxygen species were also analyzed.

RESULTS: We determined that deletion of a single allele of MRPS5 in mice results in elevated cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac regeneration; this observation correlates with improved cardiac function after induction of myocardial infarction. We identified ATF4 (activating transcription factor 4) as a key regulator of the mitochondrial stress response in cardiomyocytes from Mrps5+/- mice; furthermore, ATF4 regulates Knl1 (kinetochore scaffold 1) leading to an increase in cytokinesis during cardiomyocyte proliferation. The increased cardiomyocyte proliferation observed in Mrps5+/- mice was attenuated when one allele of Atf4 was deleted genetically (Mrps5+/-/Atf4+/-), resulting in the loss in the capacity for cardiac regeneration. Either MRPS5 inhibition (or as we also demonstrate, doxycycline treatment) activate a conserved regulatory mechanism that increases the proliferation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.

CONCLUSIONS: These data highlight a critical role for MRPS5/ATF4 in cardiomyocytes and an exciting new avenue of study for therapies to treat myocardial injury.

Cui, Kui, Xinlei Gao, Beibei Wang, Hao Wu, Kulandaisamy Arulsamy, Yunzhou Dong, Yuling Xiao, et al. 2023. “Epsin Nanotherapy Regulates Cholesterol Transport to Fortify Atheroma Regression”. Circulation Research 132 (1): e22-e42.

BACKGROUND: Excess cholesterol accumulation in lesional macrophages elicits complex responses in atherosclerosis. Epsins, a family of endocytic adaptors, fuel the progression of atherosclerosis; however, the underlying mechanism and therapeutic potential of targeting Epsins remains unknown. In this study, we determined the role of Epsins in macrophage-mediated metabolic regulation. We then developed an innovative method to therapeutically target macrophage Epsins with specially designed S2P-conjugated lipid nanoparticles, which encapsulate small-interfering RNAs to suppress Epsins.

METHODS: We used single-cell RNA sequencing with our newly developed algorithm MEBOCOST (Metabolite-mediated Cell Communication Modeling by Single Cell Transcriptome) to study cell-cell communications mediated by metabolites from sender cells and sensor proteins on receiver cells. Biomedical, cellular, and molecular approaches were utilized to investigate the role of macrophage Epsins in regulating lipid metabolism and transport. We performed this study using myeloid-specific Epsin double knockout (LysM-DKO) mice and mice with a genetic reduction of ABCG1 (ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 1; LysM-DKO-ABCG1fl/+). The nanoparticles targeting lesional macrophages were developed to encapsulate interfering RNAs to treat atherosclerosis.

RESULTS: We revealed that Epsins regulate lipid metabolism and transport in atherosclerotic macrophages. Inhibiting Epsins by nanotherapy halts inflammation and accelerates atheroma resolution. Harnessing lesional macrophage-specific nanoparticle delivery of Epsin small-interfering RNAs, we showed that silencing of macrophage Epsins diminished atherosclerotic plaque size and promoted plaque regression. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that Epsins bound to CD36 to facilitate lipid uptake by enhancing CD36 endocytosis and recycling. Conversely, Epsins promoted ABCG1 degradation via lysosomes and hampered ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux and reverse cholesterol transport. In a LysM-DKO-ABCG1fl/+ mouse model, enhanced cholesterol efflux and reverse transport due to Epsin deficiency was suppressed by the reduction of ABCG1.

CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that targeting Epsins in lesional macrophages may offer therapeutic benefits for advanced atherosclerosis by reducing CD36-mediated lipid uptake and increasing ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux.

Changizi, Shirin, Mahyar Sameti, Gabrielle L Bazemore, Hong Chen, and Chris A Bashur. 2023. “Epsin Mimetic UPI Peptide Delivery Strategies to Improve Endothelization of Vascular Grafts”. Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (9): e2300073.

Endothelialization of engineered vascular grafts for replacement of small-diameter coronary arteries remains a critical challenge. The ability for an acellular vascular graft to promote endothelial cell (EC) recruitment in the body would be very beneficial. This study investigated epsins as a target since they are involved in internalization of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2. Specifically, epsin-mimetic UPI peptides are delivered locally from vascular grafts to block epsin activity and promote endothelialization. The peptide delivery from fibrin coatings allowed for controlled loading and provided a significant improvement in EC attachment, migration, and growth in vitro. The peptides have even more important impacts after grafting into rat abdominal aortae. The peptides prevented graft thrombosis and failure that is observed with a fibrin coating alone. They also modulated the in vivo remodeling. The grafts are able to remodel without the formation of a thick fibrous capsule on the adventitia with the 100 µg mL-1 peptide-loaded condition, and this condition enabled the formation of a functional EC monolayer in the graft lumen after only 1 week. Overall, this study demonstrated that the local delivery of UPI peptides is a promising strategy to improve the performance of vascular grafts.

Li, Yanqiang, Yang Yi, Jie Lv, Xinlei Gao, Yang Yu, Sahana Suresh Babu, Ivone Bruno, et al. 2023. “Low RNA stability signifies increased post-transcriptional regulation of cell identity genes”. Nucleic Acids Research 51 (12): 6020-38.

Cell identity genes are distinct from other genes with respect to the epigenetic mechanisms to activate their transcription, e.g. by super-enhancers and broad H3K4me3 domains. However, it remains unclear whether their post-transcriptional regulation is also unique. We performed a systematic analysis of transcriptome-wide RNA stability in nine cell types and found that unstable transcripts were enriched in cell identity-related pathways while stable transcripts were enriched in housekeeping pathways. Joint analyses of RNA stability and chromatin state revealed significant enrichment of super-enhancers and broad H3K4me3 domains at the gene loci of unstable transcripts. Intriguingly, the RNA m6A methyltransferase, METTL3, preferentially binds to chromatin at super-enhancers, broad H3K4me3 domains and their associated genes. METTL3 binding intensity is positively correlated with RNA m6A methylation and negatively correlated with RNA stability of cell identity genes, probably due to co-transcriptional m6A modifications promoting RNA decay. Nanopore direct RNA-sequencing showed that METTL3 knockdown has a stronger effect on RNA m6A and mRNA stability for cell identity genes. Our data suggest a run-and-brake model, where cell identity genes undergo both frequent transcription and fast RNA decay to achieve precise regulation of RNA expression.

He, Aina, Songhai Tian, Oded Kopper, Daniel J. Horan, Peng Chen, Roderick T. Bronson, Ren Sheng, et al. 2023. “Targeted inhibition of Wnt signaling with a Clostridioides difficile toxin B fragment suppresses breast cancer tumor growth”. PLoS Biology 21 (11): e3002353. 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002353.

Wnt signaling pathways are transmitted via 10 homologous frizzled receptors (FZD1-10) in humans. Reagents broadly inhibiting Wnt signaling pathways reduce growth and metastasis of many tumors, but their therapeutic development has been hampered by the side effect. Inhibitors targeting specific Wnt-FZD pair(s) enriched in cancer cells may reduce side effect, but the therapeutic effect of narrow-spectrum Wnt-FZD inhibitors remains to be established in vivo. Here, we developed a fragment of Cdifficile toxin B (TcdBFBD), which recognizes and inhibits a subclass of FZDs, FZD1/2/7, and examined whether targeting this FZD subgroup may offer therapeutic benefits for treating breast cancer models in mice. Utilizing 2 basal-like and 1 luminal-like breast cancer models, we found that TcdBFBD reduces tumor-initiating cells and attenuates growth of basal-like mammary tumor organoids and xenografted tumors, without damaging Wnt-sensitive tissues such as bones in vivo. Furthermore, FZD1/2/7–positive cells are enriched in chemotherapy-resistant cells in both basal-like and luminal mammary tumors treated with cisplatin, and TcdBFBD synergizes strongly with cisplatin in inhibiting both tumor types. These data demonstrate the therapeutic value of narrow-spectrum Wnt signaling inhibitor in treating breast cancers.

Lee, Esak, Siu-Lung Chan, Yang Lee, William J Polacheck, Sukyoung Kwak, Aiyun Wen, Duc-Huy T Nguyen, et al. 2023. “A 3D biomimetic model of lymphatics reveals cell cell junction tightening and lymphedema via a cytokine induced ROCK2 JAM-A complex”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 120 (41): e2308941120.

Impaired lymphatic drainage and lymphedema are major morbidities whose mechanisms have remained obscure. To study lymphatic drainage and its impairment, we engineered a microfluidic culture model of lymphatic vessels draining interstitial fluid. This lymphatic drainage-on-chip revealed that inflammatory cytokines that are known to disrupt blood vessel junctions instead tightened lymphatic cell-cell junctions and impeded lymphatic drainage. This opposing response was further demonstrated when inhibition of rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) was found to normalize fluid drainage under cytokine challenge by simultaneously loosening lymphatic junctions and tightening blood vessel junctions. Studies also revealed a previously undescribed shift in ROCK isoforms in lymphatic endothelial cells, wherein a ROCK2/junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) complex emerges that is responsible for the cytokine-induced lymphatic junction zippering. To validate these in vitro findings, we further demonstrated in a genetic mouse model that lymphatic-specific knockout of ROCK2 reversed lymphedema in vivo. These studies provide a unique platform to generate interstitial fluid pressure and measure the drainage of interstitial fluid into lymphatics and reveal a previously unappreciated ROCK2-mediated mechanism in regulating lymphatic drainage.

Ho, Yen-Chun, Xin Geng, Anna O’Donnell, Jaime Ibarrola, Amaya Fernandez-Celis, Rohan Varshney, Kumar Subramani, et al. 2023. “PROX1 Inhibits PDGF-B Expression to Prevent Myxomatous Degeneration of Heart Valves”. Circ Res. 133 (6): 463–480.


Cardiac valve disease is observed in 2.5% of the general population and 10% of the elderly people. Effective pharmacological treatments are currently not available, and patients with severe cardiac valve disease require surgery. PROX1 (prospero-related homeobox transcription factor 1) and FOXC2 (Forkhead box C2 transcription factor) are transcription factors that are required for the development of lymphatic and venous valves. We found that PROX1 and FOXC2 are expressed in a subset of valvular endothelial cells (VECs) that are located on the downstream (fibrosa) side of cardiac valves. Whether PROX1 and FOXC2 regulate cardiac valve development and disease is not known.


We used histology, electron microscopy, and echocardiography to investigate the structure and functioning of heart valves from Prox1ΔVEC mice in which Prox1 was conditionally deleted from VECs. Isolated valve endothelial cells and valve interstitial cells were used to identify the molecular mechanisms in vitro, which were tested in vivo by RNAScope, additional mouse models, and pharmacological approaches. The significance of our findings was tested by evaluation of human samples of mitral valve prolapse and aortic valve insufficiency.


Histological analysis revealed that the aortic and mitral valves of Prox1ΔVEC mice become progressively thick and myxomatous. Echocardiography revealed that the aortic valves of Prox1ΔVEC mice are stenotic. FOXC2 was downregulated and PDGF-B (platelet-derived growth factor-B) was upregulated in the VECs of Prox1ΔVEC mice. Conditional knockdown of FOXC2 and conditional overexpression of PDGF-B in VECs recapitulated the phenotype of Prox1ΔVEC mice. PDGF-B was also increased in mice lacking FOXC2 and in human mitral valve prolapse and insufficient aortic valve samples. Pharmacological inhibition of PDGF-B signaling with imatinib partially ameliorated the valve defects of Prox1ΔVEC mice.


PROX1 antagonizes PDGF-B signaling partially via FOXC2 to maintain the extracellular matrix composition and prevent myxomatous degeneration of cardiac valves.