

Grange R, Doering J, Mitchell E, Holder M, Guan X, Goddard M, Tegeler C, Beggs A, Childers M. Muscle function in a canine model of X-linked myotubular myopathy. Muscle Nerve. 2012;46(4):588–91. doi:10.1002/mus.23463
INTRODUCTION: We established a colony of dogs that harbor an X-linked MTM1 missense mutation.Muscle from affected male dogs exhibits reduction and altered localization of the MTM1 gene product, myotubularin, and provides a model analogous to X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM). METHODS: We studied hindlimb muscle function in age-matched canine XLMTM genotypes between ages 9 and 18 weeks. RESULTS: By the end of the study, affected dogs produce only ∼15% of the torque generated by normals or carriers (0.023 ± 0.005 vs. 0.152 ± 0.007 and 0.154 ± 0.003 N-m/kg body mass, respectively, P 0.05) and are too weak to stand unassisted. At this age, XLMTM dogs also demonstrate an abnormally low twitch:tetanus ratio, a right-shifted torque-frequency relationship and an increase in torque during repetitive stimulation (P 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: We hypothesize that muscle weakness results from impaired excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling. Interventions that improve E-C coupling might be translated from the XLMTM dog model to patients.


Lawlor M, Ottenheijm C, Lehtokari V-L, Cho K, Pelin K, Wallgren-Pettersson C, Granzier H, Beggs A. Novel mutations in NEB cause abnormal nebulin expression and markedly impaired muscle force generation in severe nemaline myopathy. Skelet Muscle. 2011;1(1):23. doi:10.1186/2044-5040-1-23
BACKGROUND: Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a congenital muscle disease associated with weakness and the presence of nemaline bodies (rods) in muscle fibers. Mutations in seven genes have been associated with NM, but the most commonly mutated gene is nebulin (NEB), which is thought to account for roughly 50% of cases. RESULTS: We describe two siblings with severe NM, arthrogryposis and neonatal death caused by two novel NEB mutations: a point mutation in intron 13 and a frameshift mutation in exon 81. Levels of detectable nebulin protein were significantly lower than those in normal control muscle biopsies or those from patients with less severe NM due to deletion of NEB exon 55. Mechanical studies of skinned myofibers revealed marked impairment of force development, with an increase in tension cost. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that the mechanical phenotype of severe NM is the consequence of mutations that severely reduce nebulin protein levels and suggest that the level of nebulin expression may correlate with the severity of disease.
Payne E, Bolli N, Rhodes J, Abdel-Wahab O, Levine R, Hedvat C, Stone R, Khanna-Gupta A, Sun H, Kanki J, et al. Ddx18 is essential for cell-cycle progression in zebrafish hematopoietic cells and is mutated in human AML. Blood. 2011;118(4):903–15. doi:10.1182/blood-2010-11-318022
In a zebrafish mutagenesis screen to identify genes essential for myelopoiesis, we identified an insertional allele hi1727, which disrupts the gene encoding RNA helicase dead-box 18 (Ddx18). Homozygous Ddx18 mutant embryos exhibit a profound loss of myeloid and erythroid cells along with cardiovascular abnormalities and reduced size. These mutants also display prominent apoptosis and a G1 cell-cycle arrest. Loss of p53, but not Bcl-xl overexpression, rescues myeloid cells to normal levels, suggesting that the hematopoietic defect is because of p53-dependent G1 cell-cycle arrest. We then sequenced primary samples from 262 patients with myeloid malignancies because genes essential for myelopoiesis are often mutated in human leukemias. We identified 4 nonsynonymous sequence variants (NSVs) of DDX18 in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient samples. RNA encoding wild-type DDX18 and 3 NSVs rescued the hematopoietic defect, indicating normal DDX18 activity. RNA encoding one mutation, DDX18-E76del, was unable to rescue hematopoiesis, and resulted in reduced myeloid cell numbers in ddx18(hi1727/+) embryos, indicating this NSV likely functions as a dominant-negative allele. These studies demonstrate the use of the zebrafish as a robust in vivo system for assessing the function of genes mutated in AML, which will become increasingly important as more sequence variants are identified by next-generation resequencing technologies.
Ottenheijm C, Lawlor M, Stienen G, Granzier H, Beggs A. Changes in cross-bridge cycling underlie muscle weakness in patients with tropomyosin 3-based myopathy. Hum Mol Genet. 2011;20(10):2015–25. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddr084
Nemaline myopathy, the most common non-dystrophic congenital myopathy, is caused by mutations in six genes, all of which encode thin-filament proteins, including NEB (nebulin) and TPM3 (α tropomyosin). In contrast to the mechanisms underlying weakness in NEB-based myopathy, which are related to loss of thin-filament functions normally exerted by nebulin, the pathogenesis of muscle weakness in patients with TPM3 mutations remains largely unknown. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the contractile phenotype of TPM3-based myopathy is different from that of NEB-based myopathy and that this phenotype is a direct consequence of the loss of the specific functions normally exerted by tropomyosin. To test this hypothesis, we used a multidisciplinary approach, including muscle fiber mechanics and confocal and electron microscopy to characterize the structural and functional phenotype of muscle fibers from five patients with TPM3-based myopathy and compared this with that of unaffected control subjects. Our findings demonstrate that patients with TPM3-based myopathy display a contractile phenotype that is very distinct from that of patients with NEB-based myopathy. Whereas both show severe myofilament-based muscle weakness, the contractile dysfunction in TPM3-based myopathy is largely explained by changes in cross-bridge cycling kinetics, but not by the dysregulation of sarcomeric thin-filament length that plays a prominent role in NEB-based myopathy. Interestingly, the loss of force-generating capacity in TPM3-based myopathy appears to be compensated by enhanced thin-filament activation. These findings provide a scientific basis for differential therapeutics aimed at restoring contractile performance in patients with TPM3-based versus NEB-based myopathy.
Gupta V, Kawahara G, Gundry S, Chen A, Lencer W, Zhou Y, Zon L, Kunkel L, Beggs A. The zebrafish dag1 mutant: a novel genetic model for dystroglycanopathies. Hum Mol Genet. 2011;20(9):1712–25. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddr047
In a forward genetic approach to identify novel genes for congenital muscle diseases, a zebrafish mutant, designated patchytail, was identified that exhibits degenerating muscle fibers with impaired motility behavior. Genetic mapping identified a genomic locus containing the zebrafish ortholog of the dystroglycan gene (DAG1). Patchytail fish contain a point mutation (c.1700T>A) in dag1, resulting in a missense change p.V567D. This change is associated with reduced transcripts and a complete absence of protein. The absence of α-dystroglycan and β-dystroglycan caused destabilization of dystroglycan complex, resulting in membrane damages. Membrane damage was localized on the extracellular matrix at myosepta as well as basement membrane between adjacent myofibers. These studies also identified structural abnormalities in triads at 3 days post fertilization (dpf) of dystroglycan-deficient muscles, significantly preceding sarcolemmal damage that becomes evident at 7 dpf. Immunofluorescence studies identified a subpopulation of dystroglycan that is expressed at t-tubules in normal skeletal muscles. In dag1-mutated fish, smaller and irregular-shaped t-tubule vesicles, as well as highly disorganized terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum, were common. In addition to skeletal muscle defects, dag1-mutated fish have brain abnormalities and ocular defects in posterior as well as anterior chambers. These phenotypes of dystroglycan-deficient fish are highly reminiscent of the phenotypes observed in the human conditions muscle-eye-brain disease and Walker-Warburg syndrome. This animal model will provide unique opportunities in the understanding of biological functions of dystroglycan in a wide range of dystroglycanopathies, as disruption of this gene in higher vertebrates results in early embryonic lethality.
Lawlor M, Read B, Edelstein R, Yang N, Pierson C, Stein M, Wermer-Colan A, Buj-Bello A, Lachey J, Seehra J, et al. Inhibition of activin receptor type IIB increases strength and lifespan in myotubularin-deficient mice. Am J Pathol. 2011;178(2):784–93. doi:10.1016/j.ajpath.2010.10.035
X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) is a congenital disorder caused by deficiency of the lipid phosphatase, myotubularin. Patients with XLMTM often have severe perinatal weakness that requires mechanical ventilation to prevent death from respiratory failure. Muscle biopsy specimens from patients with XLMTM exhibit small myofibers with central nuclei and central aggregations of organelles in many cells. It was postulated that therapeutically increasing muscle fiber size would cause symptomatic improvement in myotubularin deficiency. Recent studies have elucidated an important role for the activin-receptor type IIB (ActRIIB) in regulation of muscle growth and have demonstrated that ActRIIB inhibition results in significant muscle hypertrophy. To evaluate whether promoting muscle hypertrophy can attenuate symptoms resulting from myotubularin deficiency, the effect of ActRIIB-mFC treatment was determined in myotubularin-deficient (Mtm1δ4) mice. Compared with wild-type mice, untreated Mtm1δ4 mice have decreased body weight, skeletal muscle hypotrophy, and reduced survival. Treatment of Mtm1δ4 mice with ActRIIB-mFC produced a 17% extension of lifespan, with transient increases in weight, forelimb grip strength, and myofiber size. Pathologic analysis of Mtm1δ4 mice during treatment revealed that ActRIIB-mFC produced marked hypertrophy restricted to type 2b myofibers, which suggests that oxidative fibers in Mtm1δ4 animals are incapable of a hypertrophic response in this setting. These results support ActRIIB-mFC as an effective treatment for the weakness observed in myotubularin deficiency.
Hnia K, Tronchère H, Tomczak K, Amoasii L, Schultz P, Beggs A, Payrastre B, Mandel JL, Laporte J. Myotubularin controls desmin intermediate filament architecture and mitochondrial dynamics in human and mouse skeletal muscle. J Clin Invest. 2011;121(1):70–85. doi:10.1172/JCI44021
Muscle contraction relies on a highly organized intracellular network of membrane organelles and cytoskeleton proteins. Among the latter are the intermediate filaments (IFs), a large family of proteins mutated in more than 30 human diseases. For example, mutations in the DES gene, which encodes the IF desmin, lead to desmin-related myopathy and cardiomyopathy. Here, we demonstrate that myotubularin (MTM1), which is mutated in individuals with X-linked centronuclear myopathy (XLCNM; also known as myotubular myopathy), is a desmin-binding protein and provide evidence for direct regulation of desmin by MTM1 in vitro and in vivo. XLCNM-causing mutations in MTM1 disrupted the MTM1-desmin complex, resulting in abnormal IF assembly and architecture in muscle cells and both mouse and human skeletal muscles. Adeno-associated virus-mediated ectopic expression of WT MTM1 in Mtm1-KO muscle reestablished normal desmin expression and localization. In addition, decreased MTM1 expression and XLCNM-causing mutations induced abnormal mitochondrial positioning, shape, dynamics, and function. We therefore conclude that MTM1 is a major regulator of both the desmin cytoskeleton and mitochondria homeostasis, specifically in skeletal muscle. Defects in IF stabilization and mitochondrial dynamics appear as common physiopathological features of centronuclear myopathies and desmin-related myopathies.


Markert, Meaney, Voelker, Grange, Dalley, Cann, Ahmed, Bishwokarma, Walker, Yu, et al. Functional muscle analysis of the Tcap knockout mouse. Hum Mol Genet. 2010;19(11):2268–83. doi:10.1093/hmg/ddq105
Autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2G (LGMD2G) is an adult-onset myopathy characterized by distal lower limb weakness, calf hypertrophy and progressive decline in ambulation. The disease is caused by mutations in Tcap, a z-disc protein of skeletal muscle, although the precise mechanisms resulting in clinical symptoms are unknown. To provide a model for preclinical trials and for mechanistic studies, we generated knockout (KO) mice carrying a null mutation in the Tcap gene. Here we present the first report of a Tcap KO mouse model for LGMD2G and the results of an investigation into the effects of Tcap deficiency on skeletal muscle function in 4- and 12-month-old mice. Muscle histology of Tcap-null mice revealed abnormal myofiber size variation with central nucleation, similar to findings in the muscles of LGMD2G patients. An analysis of a Tcap binding protein, myostatin, showed that deletion of Tcap was accompanied by increased protein levels of myostatin. Our Tcap-null mice exhibited a decline in the ability to maintain balance on a rotating rod, relative to wild-type controls. No differences were detected in force or fatigue assays of isolated extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SOL) muscles. Finally, a mechanical investigation of EDL and SOL indicated an increase in muscle stiffness in KO animals. We are the first to establish a viable KO mouse model of Tcap deficiency and our model mice demonstrate a dystrophic phenotype comparable to humans with LGMD2G.
Lawlor M, Dechene E, Roumm E, Geggel A, Moghadaszadeh B, Beggs A. Mutations of tropomyosin 3 (TPM3) are common and associated with type 1 myofiber hypotrophy in congenital fiber type disproportion. Hum Mutat. 2010;31(2):176–83. doi:10.1002/humu.21157
Congenital fiber type disproportion (CFTD) is a rare congenital myopathy characterized by hypotonia and generalized muscle weakness. Pathologic diagnosis of CFTD is based on the presence of type 1 fiber hypotrophy of at least 12% in the absence of other notable pathological findings. Mutations of the ACTA1 and SEPN1 genes have been identified in a small percentage of CFTD cases. The muscle tropomyosin 3 gene, TPM3, is mutated in rare cases of nemaline myopathy that typically exhibit type 1 fiber hypotrophy with nemaline rods, and recently mutations in the TPM3 gene were also found to cause CFTD. We screened the TPM3 gene in patients with a clinical diagnosis of CFTD, nemaline myopathy, and with undefined congenital myopathies. Mutations in TPM3 were identified in 6 out of 13 patients with CFTD, as well as in one case of nemaline myopathy. Review of muscle biopsies from patients with diagnoses of CFTD revealed that patients with a TPM3 mutation all displayed marked disproportion of fiber size, without type 1 fiber predominance. Several mutation-negative cases exhibited other abnormalities, such as central nuclei and central cores. These results support the utility of the CFTD diagnosis in directing the course of genetic testing.
Ziane R, Huang H, Moghadaszadeh B, Beggs A, Levesque G, Chahine M. Cell membrane expression of cardiac sodium channel Na(v)1.5 is modulated by alpha-actinin-2 interaction. Biochemistry. 2010;49(1):166–78. doi:10.1021/bi901086v
Cardiac sodium channel Na(v)1.5 plays a critical role in heart excitability and conduction. The molecular mechanism that underlies the expression of Na(v)1.5 at the cell membrane is poorly understood. Previous studies demonstrated that cytoskeleton proteins can be involved in the regulation of cell surface expression and localization of several ion channels. We performed a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify Na(v)1.5-associated proteins that may be involved in channel function and expression. We identified alpha-actinin-2 as an interacting partner of the cytoplasmic loop connecting domains III and IV of Na(v)1.5 (Na(v)1.5/LIII-IV). Co-immunoprecipitation and His(6) pull-down assays confirmed the physical association between Na(v)1.5 and alpha-actinin-2 and showed that the spectrin-like repeat domain is essential for binding of alpha-actinin-2 to Na(v)1.5. Patch-clamp studies revealed that the interaction with alpha-actinin-2 increases sodium channel density without changing their gating properties. Consistent with these findings, coexpression of alpha-actinin-2 and Na(v)1.5 in tsA201 cells led to an increase in the level of expression of Na(v)1.5 at the cell membrane as determined by cell surface biotinylation. Lastly, immunostaining experiments showed that alpha-actinin-2 was colocalized with Na(v)1.5 along the Z-lines and in the plasma membrane. Our data suggest that alpha-actinin-2, which is known to regulate the functional expression of the potassium channels, may play a role in anchoring Na(v)1.5 to the membrane by connecting the channel to the actin cytoskeleton network.